Storage Solutions

by Clay Cox

by Clay Cox

My job is amazing. Year after year I get to observe and participate in the design changes that go with the times. A long time ago Kitchens by Clay installed hundreds of pink kitchens with pickled maple and oak finishes being popular at that time. Cherry wood kitchens became popular next which did not last long here in Southwest Florida as it was too dark for most people. Later it was replaced by the Tuscany look which encompassed lots and lots of trim work. The problem was the trim work, i.e. corbels and flutes, simply took too much space. To me this was space that could have been used for more storage which is invaluable in Florida since we have no attics or cellars.

The last few years have seen the insurgence of the “Transitional” look. Most folks think of this look as clean lines, light colors with a perception that it leans towards a more modern design and this is true. More importantly it has opened up and emphasizes the need for better storage solutions. For example years ago most of our clients wouldn’t buy roll-out shelves or built-in waste/recycle systems let alone drawer organizers. But now it’s a different story altogether.

KitchenTake drawers. Drawers are the original quick storage solution. Open a drawer, pull out what you want and close it. Done! No longer will you get on your knees to reach the back of a cabinet to get what you need. Spice and oil pullouts will save you from moving everything in the cabinet from the front to the back. Knife drawers remove the cumbersome knife block from your countertop while keeping the knives safe. Built-in spoon holders also help to keep counters clean and uncluttered while giving you easy access. Pullout tray dividers do not take up the much needed space from a cabinet. The options are endless.

So, thanks to the transitional kitchen design elements we are working with today our clients are getting user friendly kitchens along with it and loving it.

Please E-mail Clay with your questions or comments at

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