Repair Summer Hair

by Erick Carter

by Erick Carter

Now that summer is over, it’s time to talk about repairing summer hair.

First, replace lost moisture. Look for shampoos and conditioners that contain rich moisture such as vitamin E and moisture rich lipids. If conditioners weigh your hair down then treat only the areas needed or use a leave in conditioner and rinse it out.

If your hair color has faded over the summer, add life back by using a direct dye product. I prefer Pure Blends. Pure Blends allows the stylist to custom blend a color shampoo for your needs, while offering the moisture as described above. If your color has faded extremely, then perhaps your hair needs to be filled. This should only be done by a qualified professional.

HairSummer can leave us with frizz. The best way to handle frizz as we move in the fall months is with Argon oil. Argon oil can help repair the hair due to the proteins found in the argon nut. My personal favorite is Rusk Deep Shine Oil, on average an 8 oz. bottle runs about $20. You just can’t beat the quality and the value.

Make sure you detangle with care. Start combing your hair from the bottom up. You must detangle in this fashion in order to prevent breaking your hair. Rinsing with cold water after you condition and using a detangling product will help. A proper brush will help as well, Wet Brush is my choice.

Don’t forget the most important thing in repairing summer hair, a haircut. A cut does not have to be dramatic.

I would like to invite all readers to write in your questions. You can do so by email at or call me at 239.777.2380.

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