Entries by LifeInNaples

Making Your Home Smarter

We all hear the term ‘smart’ all the time now as a descriptive prefix to common items. Smart phones. Smart lights. Smart TV sets. Smart thermostats. Smart homes. Wait….smart homes? How can you get started making your home smarter? The item you already likely have in your home that counts as a smart device is […]

Stepping Stones to Financial Independence

For most Americans, financial independence is an important goal that motivates us throughout our entire lives. Even though our personal ambitions and goals may differ, we all share a common aspiration: generating enough money to live comfortably. While many people think of work as a means to achieve financial independence – earning a salary to […]

Congressman Francis Rooney on Budgeting and Fiscal Responsibility

The most important duty of the federal government is to pass a fiscally responsible budget. This would be a budget which funds basic services, honors the commitments made for social security, and provides for the defense and security of our nation and its borders. For far too long we have suffered from irresponsible government spending that has failed to provide […]

THE AVOW FOUNDATION dynamic and focused

There are several definitions for a foundation but the most common is that it provides load bearing support and stability for structures. In other words the basis or groundwork in support of “what’s above.”  This portrayal represents the work of the Avow Foundation, the cornerstone of financial support to Avow Hospice, complimentary therapies, adult and children’s palliative care and […]