You’ve Got the Questions? Collier Mosquito Control District has the answer

Patrick Linn, MS, MSHAPI
Executive Director, Collier Mosquito Control District

“When will my area be treated?”
“Where can I look up your schedule?”
“What time is the treatment planned?”

These are only a few of the questions we receive almost daily at Collier Mosquito Control District. It’s  understandable. Many new residents and visitors arrive in Collier County from areas where aerial treatments for mosquitoes aren’t a year-round necessity, so they’re naturally curious about our operations. Here, we’ll address some of the most commonly asked questions, so pass this around to your visitors.

One of the most common misconceptions in Collier County is that there is a set schedule for mosquito treatments, but there is no schedule. There are more than 40 species of mosquitoes in our area, and weather conditions are a key factor in the bloodsuckers’ behavior, their active season and life cycle. We can’t precisely predict where or when they’re going to be a problem, which is why we conduct surveillance all year round. Our surveillance program is continuously collecting data, and each morning that data is analyzed by our Operations Department to determine if and where a treatment  mission is needed.

How do we collect the data? It is compiled from three key sources: mosquito traps throughout the District, information from residents’ complaints, and observations submitted by our Field Technicians, who monitor and investigate mosquito habitat. When a large area is determined to have nuisance mosquitoes, a treatment is planned for that evening. How and when will your area be treated for mosquitoes?

While controlling nuisance mosquitoes is a necessity to enjoy our quality of life in Southwest Florida, the presence of disease these insects carry is the most important part of the District’s mission. Our Research Department works closely with the local Department of Health, and our scientists test mosquitoes each week from different areas  of the county for evidence of disease, including dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and West Nile virus. The fully equipped laboratory at the District allows same day testing of the insects, and ultimately a faster response time if evidence of disease is detected.

The District uses Skyvan airplanes to treat large geographic areas, flying after 10 p.m. to disperse an ultra-low volume of material targeting the flying mosquitoes. By treating for mosquitoes after dark, we are affecting the biters while they’re active and not other non-target insects such as bees. So, when will your area be treated? We have created a notification system that sends a message in advance when your address is included in a treatment area.

To sign up for the notices, please download the application in the App Store or Google Play (search for @CollierMosquito) or complete the request form on our website ( Please call our office at 239.436.1000 if we can provide more information.

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