What Do You Love about Life in Naples?

Karen Coney Coplin

Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine!
I’ve lived here for 31 years (over half my life). I love the sunshine and the beach breezes. I don’t miss the heavy snowfall in wintry upstate New York.

I love that my daughters were born in this beautiful gulfside town.

Thank you, Drs. Floreani, and Heitmann for helping welcome them to this world!

I love having breakfast at the Cove Inn Coffee Shoppe. Everyone, including me, loves their pancakes, but my particular favorite is a yummy egg dish called the Galley’s Greatest.

I’m grateful I could start New Year’s Day there with my dear friend Carol and enjoy the entire gang at this family owned and operated Naples icon. If you haven’t been, just make a note that it’s cash only. They’ll happily pour you a coffee while you wait if there is a full house.

I love that all of the avenues in the city end at the beach and, more than anything else, I love the sunsets that create a memorable bookend at the end of the day.

I love all of the alleyways which sometimes allow a hidden look to Naples of old, where classic cottages remain standing in parts as if time stood still.

Perhaps the most famous of these is Palm Cottage, located on Broad Avenue, not far from the Naples Pier. Kudos to the Naples Historical Society and all of the generous supporters and donors who helped bring this landmark back to its former glory in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

I love all of Collier County’s public libraries; the most special one to me is the former headquarters on Central Ave., which operates now as a branch library. My daughters enjoyed reading time in the kids’ room with its colorful and inspirationaldecorations/artwork plus a massive and beautiful aquarium.

I love that just around the corner I’ve spied two “Little Free” libraries that a thoughtful resident established for passersby. (Hard to believe that Naples doesn’t have a bookstore at this time, but perhaps Barnes & Noble will have re-opened by the time this goes to press.)

I love that, by and large, most people I meet are friendly and ready to help whether in a store or on the street (most recently when my car died half in and half out of my driveway!)

Speaking of friendly and welcoming people, I love shopping at places like Wynn’s Market where our family favorites are the chicken salad, orzo salad, and we will never pass up the spinach mushroom lasagna when available.

I also love that I’m a “regular” at my neighborhood 7 Eleven. I’m happy that the Third Street location has finally reopened after renovations from Hurricane Ian.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the wonderful Saturday morning Farmers’ Market located on Third Street. People watching, pets, produce and so much more!

I love the USPS staff at the Goodlette Road Post Office. They get things done with a smile on their faces. I’ll say the same about all of the city staffers who have helped me in many ways over the years.

I love the generous spirit of so many who have made Naples their adopted home. I love that for virtually every conceivable need, a philanthropic organization exists to lift, collectively, the wellbeing of all residents. This also includes shelter pets and strays -I give a special shoutout to Tom Golisano, who recently made a substantial gift to many SWFL charities; including $10M in gifts dedicated to animal welfare organizations. Bravo to Mr. Golisano and happiest congratulations to all beneficiaries (he also donated an additional $75M million to several local not for profits at the same time.)

Finally, for a cause near and dear to my heart, The Conservancy of Southwest Florida and in particular, the von Arx Wildlife Hospital staff, does a remarkable job in rehabilitating injured creatures who inhabit the natural world around us.

Part of their efforts are directed toward educating people to minimize their impact on wildlife and the environment. Of special note is their effort to assist local associations and homeowners in humane ways to implement pest care; though this is but one small part of their educational outreach. Curious? Pay them a visit -in person or online.

I hope sharing my moments of joy, gratitude and enthusiasm will encourage you throughout this month. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Please contact Karen at NaplesKCC@gmail.com with suggestions for future article coverage, which is often centered on charitable organizations in Naples and the programs/services these groups offer. Additionally, for more vignettes about life in Naples, give her a follow, on Instagram @Naplesbythenumbers.

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