Think Big

Clay Coxby Clay Cox

Planning on remodeling your kitchen? Here’s some advice. Think big!

Chances are you have been “thinking” of this for a long time and have waited until the time is right for this big event which should be  enjoyable. Moving in to the planning stages is the time to consider your dreams so why wouldn’t you think big?

To utilize the “Think Big” philosophy, begin by listing everything you have perceived to be important in the kitchen, for both functionality and beauty. Be specific as to the type of cabinetry, appliances, b a c k s p l a s h , countertops, and the always amazing decorative hardware.

kitchenAlso take in to consideration the “footprint” of your kitchen and if you would like to see changes. Don’t think about the cost at this point. Just be sure that you specify exactly what you want. The product choices should be your choices and not determined by your budget. Not now anyway.

Next step is to make an appointment with a design professional. Bring your “Think Big” package with you to review your desires. From this point the discussion will evolve into what can or cannot be done. A large factor is the home you own; a condo, villa or a single family. If there are restrictions it will include the type of changes that can be incorporated into your design (footprint).

Determining a budget is the next necessary step. Although you may have to make some concessions, working with a great designer will still be able to achieve the look you want. By providing the “Think Big” list they will know what you are aiming for. This will assure you that the end result will be fantastic!

So “Think Big.” You will be pleasantly surprised at how well this works.
Enjoy your remodel,
Clay Cox
Please E-mail Clay with your questions or comments at

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