Thankful for 2022 … a message from Reg Buxton your publisher

My Thanks for 2022 and Wishes for 2023 

Our surviving Hurricane Ian, though there was great destruction it could very well have been much worse.

Our First Responders, Emergency Management, the citizens of Naples and Collier County whose resolve in this disaster was outstanding.

We had a very strong economy in our City/County in 2022 much better than many other areas. The Theatre and Arts scene that grew even stronger in 2022. What a wonderful number of choices we have!

Success of our local collegiate athletic teams on a national stage. Looks like affordable/workforce housing may finally be realized.

Our elected officials must understand they need to be a leader in this crisis.

At last, decisions made years ago to strengthen and improve our critically needed road system have come to the forefront and work has

We have very strong leadership from our religious community. The FGCU Water School brings much needed research, education and makes our area a leader not only statewide but nationally.

Wishes 2023

A state championship for one of our fine local high school athletic programs.

The effort carries over from 2022 and we see affordable/workforce housing finished and people living in those new communities.

Would like to see conservationists and our local government look at problems with the idea and goal of solving not arguing.

The Naples Pier rise again improved, but still iconic.

Childcare be available and affordable for lower income working families.

The Heart Institute building goes up at NCH. We have so much world class talent here and we need to provide the resources they need.

That those with property damage from Ian somehow survive the FEMA 50% rule!

Our Collier County school board finds and recruits the best available national candidate.

That I see love more than hate. Government actually working for the citizens. United States remains a world leader and not a follower.

We never forget what our Flag stands for and bow to no one.

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