Old Naples Photo Tour

ONPT old naples photo tour 5x7 flyer LOW RESLearn a little bit about Naples and its history while learning about photography and getting great pictures!

We’ll walk through Old Naples 3rd Street area and end up on the beach for sunset photos.  Again, there will be a lesson on creating fabulous sunset images!
Only $69 for a two hour tour.**  Mondays two hours before sunset.

Camera and lenses that you are comfortable carrying for a couple hours.

All levels of photographers with any type of camera will enjoy this.

Tripod – this is REALLY NECESSARY for the sunset images.
If you have ND or CPL filters, bring them for the sunset pictures.
We generally stay about 15 minutes after sunset for the afterglow.

Please note the times of this tour change every week due to sunset times.

Register on our Meetup site.  Click on the Monday you’d like to attend and sign up!  We’d love to have you!

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