Naples Museum of Military History Celebrates Women in History

Lois Bolin

Every year during March, thousands of events are held throughout the country to acknowledge and recognize the accomplishments of women. The tribute began in 1980 as a week long celebration and by 1987 it was expanded to an entire month, making March National Women’s History Month.

On Saturday, March 28th from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., the Naples Museum of Military History in cooperation with SWFL Veterans Alliance will host an afternoon to meet the representatives of two organizations that shaped our country and see the Pioneering Matriarchs Photographic Exhibit by Penny Taylor which shows local women who shaped the foundation of Naples history.

American Gold Star Mothers of SWFL                                                                                                                                                  During World War I, a Blue Star was used to represent those in the Military Service of the United States. As the war continued, a Gold Star was superimposed over the blue which signified the honor and glory accorded the deceased person for their supreme sacrifice. This offering for their country, their last full measure of devotion, was reflected in this sacrifice, rather than the sense of personal loss which would be represented by the mourning symbols.

After years of planning, on June 4, 1928, twenty-five mothers met in Washington, DC to establish the national organization, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. Eighty-nine years later, on March 28, 2017, the American Gold Star Mothers of SWFL formed their chapter under the watchful eye of Polly Crews. This March 28th we will honor the success of these patriotic mothers, whose bond of mutual love and sympathy  have channeled their time, efforts and gifts to lessening the pain of others while sharing their grief and their pride.

Rosie the Riveters
Rosie the Riveter, a campaign aimed at recruiting female workers for defense industries during World War II, became one of the most iconic images of working women. By the end of the war in 1945 nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home.

The American Rosie the Riveter Association was founded December 7, 1998 and on March 21, 2017, National Rosie the Riveter Day was proclaimed by Congress. The ARRA recognizes and preserves the history and legacy of working women, including volunteer women, during World War II, in addition to furthering the advancement of patriotic ideals, excellence in the workplace, and loyalty to the United States. You’ll get to meet two of these iconic ladies.

Pioneering Matriarchs
The Naples community hosts countless stories of women with indomitable strength who kept their faces toward change and accomplished much in their own right by overriding belief systems and breaking the shackles of the 19th century about how women were  supposed to be and act.

Local photographer and current County Commissioner Penny Taylor photographed numerous pioneering women when she came to town many years ago. We are delighted to add the Pioneering Matriarchs Photographic Exhibit to our event.

Join us for this wonderful afternoon to celebrate Women in History at the Naples Museum of Military History located at 500 Terminal Drive, Naples 34104. For more info contact Lois Bolin at 239-777-2281.

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