COLOR IS A JOURNEY, Not a Destination

Erick Carter

Are you in a rut? Same hair color forever? Is this really your best look? Are you still wearing the same style of clothing that you wore while a teenager? Of course not!

As trends change, we adjust. Even our natural base color changes over time. So does our skin pigment. Sometimes these changes are so slight that we barely notice, but suddenly, our hair (and make-up) seems blah—no life in the color.

If your natural pigment is lighter than previously, it may affect how your color takes. It can make the artificial color process lighter than it originally did.

You have a washed out look. Have you spoken to your hair stylist to help you adjust your color?

To perk up your hair? Please remember that color is a journey, not a destination. We are happy to have a color consultation with you, to keep you looking your best.

Feel free to email me with any questions!

ERICK CARTER I I T: 239.431.5474


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