It was strange this New Year’s Eve in Naples because, for as long as I can remember, there have always been fireworks on New Year’s Eve. They were set off on a barge just off our Naples Pier and people came for miles to see this spectacular event. This year, there were none.
First and foremost, our pier was destroyed by Hurricane Ian in 2022, and I can understand the wisdom of realizing that it would have been a real mess if they tried to do a fireworks show. However, it was unfortunate the way the mayor handled the whole situation. Last September at a City Council Meeting, she announced that for many reasons, some mentioned above, there would be no fireworks on New Year’s Eve 2024. Council voted to approve her motion and that was the end of the discussion. The major problem was that this took place in September, and the City was basically empty as our winter residents were not back in Naples and nothing else was ever mentioned about it.
As we approached this past December, many were super excited about and expecting our New Year’s Eve fireworks. Out-of-towners were making reservations to be in Naples for Christmas-Hanukkah week, and, if they were lucky, they only found out when they called that there would be no fireworks.
Our locals as well were furious that there had been no publicity to let people know, and the Naples Daily News went as far as to award The Naples City Council “The Grinch Award”. The very simple answer was for the Mayor and Council to take the time at that meeting to make sure that staff would follow up to let people know the situation through all of their resources and do it at least every month leading up to December 31. I guess that would have been far too easy.
Hopefully as we move into 2025 it will be a good season in Naples. It’s certainly shaping up that way. There are many new projects on the drawing board from chic boutique hotels to some phenomenal name brand top shelf restaurants. The brand new Gulfshore Playhouse has opened its doors and is a huge success. It is professional theater at its best. They will also be producing plays from scratch and, who knows, they could end up on Broadway and I’m not exaggerating! I could probably write pages about them, but you need to check out Gulfshore Playhouse for yourselves, it’s worth it! I often smile as I see the changes taking place in Naples. 52 years ago when I moved here, I couldn’t have ever imagined Naples looking so spectacular.
Speaking of boutiques, there are small groups of stores clustered together that we call strip malls because they were built on small parcels of land. At one time they made up a good part of the City, but were bought and became what you see as our Naples today. One of these leftover little strip malls was recently purchased. One of the businesses that was there is a landmark of the City of Naples. It is named Pastrami Dans and opened in 1970 and hasn’t changed since. NY style Pastrami and Roast Beef Sandwiches, Tacos and Chili Dogs make up the menu and I can tell you that it is a part of my Naples History. It is still owned and run by the same family many years ago and even today you will find a local resident who has lived here for well over 20 years having lunch there. It’s as good today as it was when it opened its doors.
If you’re lucky and you are reading this article, see if you can go there for lunch before they close for good. Tell them I sent you and you’ll get a big smile! I will miss them as it will leave a void for me each time I go by there. I have written over the years about Cosmo’s Italian Ristorante, and Pastrami Dan’s is right next door. What will be built there is a chic boutique 18-room hotel with a full restaurant. It won’t replace Pastrami Dan’s, but it will be a real bonus for that spot!
See you in March, enjoy what we have to offer in Naples!
All the Best,
Bill Barnett, Former Mayor
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