Your Dog Knows

by Clay Cox Owner/President

Does your dog like your contractor? Sounds silly right? Not as much as you might think.

While trying to figure out who you will hire to do your renovation project you might just as well pay attention to who your dog likes the most. After all, they are very sensitive to people and tend to choose folks that they like. And liking who you hire should be one of the key factors in your final choice.

When we have the opportunity to visit a prospective client, we run into all types of self-imposed parameters, some of which make sense and others not so much. For instance, some like to shop via the internet. That’s fine if you’re searching for names of local contractors you may want to interview but it certainly does not work when people try to get pricing that way.

A kitchen renovation is a very personal thing and must be treated as such from the get-go. So, face to face is the only way you should start your adventure.

Try talking to neighbors, friends, and other family members to see if they can offer some advice, preferably based on their actual experiences. You’re looking for someone that’s likable as I mentioned above but you also want trust to be at the forefront of your decision-making process. When interviewing, be sure to understand the difference between a General Contractor (GC) and a subcontractor. Only the GC can pull permits and be sure that what you are doing is legal and checked by responsible county inspectors. Also, here in Florida, if you are in a condo, you must have those permits and inspections. Do not try to do a renovation without that permit.

Here is some sound advice. When going through the interview process pay particular attention to the behavior of your candidates. Do they answer their phone or does it go to voicemail? If voicemail, do they return the call promptly or do you have to call them twice or more to get their attention. If so, move on. Communication is a vital part of any project and if it is lacking at the outset then I can assure you it will be lacking throughout the process. The same goes if they are late for your appointments. That behavior is typically not a once and done event. It will continue.

Lastly, check with your dog. If he or she likes your choice, then I’m willing to bet you will too.

Enjoy your remodel!

Clay Cox

7935 Airport Road, Suites 5 and 6, Naples, FL 34109

Phone: 239.431.5474 Fax: 239.431.5472

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