Things That Make You Go Hmmmm…a message from your publisher Reg Buxton

Reg Buxton Publisher

Who are the roughly 2,000 people that illegally cross our border every day without a COVID-19 test and an ID ? Why must the thousands of others who legally try to cross our border have a negative COVID-19 test within the previous 24 hours and an ID ?

How can we as a country go from a global energy exporter in 2020 to in 2022 buying energy from the world ?

Why are we not using the oil in the ground here in America to provide for our own energy needs ? Why are used cars prices over 30% higher in 2022 ?

How do we go from over 65 companies supplying food in the United States in 2019 to now six major companies responsible for our food ?

And why are many foreign held companies at the helm of our food supply ? In 2021 a commercial box of chicken wings was $25. In April 2022 that same box of chicken wings is now $100.

Will workers ever go back to working in large office complexes ? Will companies see any need to keep large office complexes with
a slashed on-site workforce ?

What becomes of the vacant real estate and how does that affect communities ? The American Dream to own one’s home was always there and attainable. Now the crushing worry is can one afford any type of shelter at all ?

The United States of America was built on the belief that questions and debate were paramount how have we devolved to a state of doing so now is asking for ridicule ? Do we have here a values and responsibility problem ?

How will we be able take care of the huge increase in child and teen mental health issues ?

Honorable Reg Buxton

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