The Winners Circle – Naples Style – February 2016

Yelixa “Lexy” Larlos-Lopez

Yelixa “Lexy” Larlos-Lopez

Yelixa “Lexy” Larlos-Lopez is just the kind of person that you would expect to pursue a career in a “helping” profession. She is warm, charming and a good listener. Lexy is living her dream and for that matter the dream of her parents.

Born in Nicaragua, her parents emigrated when she was four, but left her behind with relatives until they could establish themselves. An aunt brought her to Florida a year later joining her parents and starting a life that was unimaginable. Like all parents, Lexy’s wanted her to have a better life and most importantly a quality education, which they knew would change everything. Nicaragua, which was wrought with unemployment and no opportunities was a poverty cycle that had to be broken. She watched her parents work multiple jobs staying the course to give their children what they never had. As Lexy grew older she could appreciate their brave behavior in relocating to another country and the radical adaptation that was required. It was ingrained that education was the answer to a brighter future but also an insurance policy ensuring self-sufficiency.

Lexy learned her lessons well and she is currently a junior at FGCU and in her first semester of the nursing program. You could say that she is doing well but that would be an understatement. She was accepted into the honors program in her freshman year and is already displaying gratitude for what she has by helping others. Lexy is an officer in the Dominican Republic Outreach Program (D.R.O.P.) and uses her spring break traveling to Santiago and serving others. Bringing school supplies, clothing, sports equipment and tutoring the children are welcomed services in that community.

Her ultimate goal is to become a pediatrician and work for Doctors Without Borders improving the lives of others. She chose nursing (BSN) as the first step to that goal so that she can support herself as she continues her education. Her nursing specialty will be obstetrics and ideally working in a clinic with close patient contact. Her parents taught her that even when things are difficult, keep going and don’t give up, words that she lives by. Lexy will be a first generation college graduate, a Winner indeed, welcome to The Circle.

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