Post, Posts, Patriots – Publisher Reg Buxton February Column

Reg Buxton

Reg Buxton – Publisher

As our State Legislature returns to session be certain that they know that you want a LAW to regulate marijuana not a referendum. This is the only way to control its use as “Medical Marijuana.”

What we as citizens expect is tight management on how this substance is prescribed, control on who prescribes it and most importantly how it is dispensed. Legal management and control is an absolute necessity, a referendum is not adequate.

moorings postsThere has been a proliferation of “POSTS” in the Moorings Community (see photos). Some were removed when requested but some were not. These posts do not add to the beauty or ambiance of the neighborhood, in fact they detract. Is it absolutely necessary that they are there, or
is there a less intrusive way to mark these areas?

We live in such a high tech world that it seems that a suitable alternative could be found.

moorings posts2Many of us when we see a member of the military automatically thank them for their service. Indeed this is warranted and I am certain that they are humbled to hear it. In the newspaper last month Edward Theime a Veteran paratrooper from World War II wrote in to suggest that we take that a step further.

We are a community of gratitude for the life that we live, so extend that courtesy to law enforcement.

A sincere “Thank you for your service” would mean a lot to these men and women during these tumultuous times.

I personally would like to thank the Naples Police Department and the Collier County Sheriff’s Office for their exemplary service, and I hope that you do the same

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