Supporting Healthcare for All

For many decades,Jerry F. Nichols has quietly set an inspiring…

The Immokalee Foundation’s Home Construction Project Comes Full Circle

Life may seem like a linear journey. However, if there is…

Choosing a General Contractor

I find that most people who want to remodel their homes in…

Saving Your Color

At the end of the serieson Hair and pH, I talked about direct…

DUBAI – United Arab Emirates, Home to the Wealthy

Dubai is not just a city; it's a symbol of ambition, opportunity,…

APRIL IN NAPLES (as opposed to April in Paris)

Probably many of us remember some of the pranks that we played…

an Artist’s perception by Phil Fisher and Natalie Guess

Easter came early this year, which usually means a quick slow-down…

Spring and Summer Herald Change by Svetlana Kogan, M.D.

Many of our readers hail from where the four seasons of the…

HOPE Building Stronger Minds Together COLLIER

Nora’s preschool aged son David was throwing multiple tantrums…

Naples Players to raise curtain on vast remodel project

As The Naples Players soon caps a year away from home, the…