Solas Wealth delivers creative and effective solutions to the important financial decisions you face. Our clients have complex finances, and they deserve a close, personal relationship with their wealth advisor. You are not a number to us. You are unique with a distinct set of challenges.

We love getting to know the people we work with. You deserve to be served with precision and care.

Our Specialty

We are experts at walking you through periods of transition where tough decisions need to be made – relocating to Southwest Florida, retirement, selling your business, loss of a spouse, etc. Our primary purpose as a firm is to light the way forward so you can experience all that you were designed to be.

We provide clear and actionable financial plans and investment strategies based on what’s important to you. All planning, investing and coaching recommendations are based on a clear understanding of your values and what matters most to you.

Our Financial Plans

Our financial plans are not “cookie cutter” or “boilerplate”. Each one is custom designed according to your unique values, goals, and objectives. After each meeting, our clients have confidence in knowing they are making smart choices about their money so they can rest assured they are making progress toward the lifestyle they envision for themselves and those they love.

Our plans are dynamic— not static. They are updated with changes in the markets and life circumstances. We build personal financial websites for our clients so they can access all their accounts, wherever they are held, through one easy system.

Our Investment Strategies

Our investment strategies have a focus on downside protection. They are constructed in a way that aims to preserve your investment during market downtrends and maximize returns during uptrends. We employ a rules based process, so that your capital can be protected during times of prolonged market volatility, because our repeatable process for making all portfolio decisions leaves no room for emotional decision-making during times of euphoria or fear.

Your portfolio automatically adapts when there are uptrends/downtrends in an asset class, interest rate change, volatility arises and inflation/deflation occurs.

Our Coaching

Whether you are trying to clarify your core purpose and direction, move on from a painful experience, or launch a new and exciting venture — whatever the case may be, we will come alongside you and help you see your situation in a new light. You will gain new insights and hear yourself say with a smile, “I didn’t think that was possible.” You will gain clarity and confidence in taking your next steps.

Our Client Value Promise

We will align your financial and non-financial choices with your most important goals and most deeply held values. We will get your entire financial house in perfect order and keep it that way forever. You will have a level of confidence that no matter what happens in the financial markets, the economy, or the world, you wil lachieve your goals.

How We Deliver on Our Promises

Our customized service model keeps you informed with up-to date information on your portfolio, market trends, opportunities to take advantage, and more. We do what we say. Fully deliver. On time. On target.

We would love to have a conversation to explore how we might become a trusted advisor for you.

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