Manuka Honey

Susan WattsBack in 2013, a new medical research study was published regarding a honey native to New Zealand which I discussed. Many clients have asked me about it and it’s benefits, so this week I’m going to repeat the findings for everyone to learn. Based on these medicinal benefits I am incorporating Manuka honey into my facial treatments.

Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native Manuka bush. Advocates say it has been in traditional use for generations to treat wound infections. More recently it has been successfully tested as a weapon against life-threatening hospital infections like MRSA. Honey has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. We know that honey has natural antibacterial qualities, it protects against damage caused by bacteria and some honey stimulates production of the body’s healing cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. In addition, honey has an antiinflammatory action that can quickly reduce pain and inflammation once it is applied. The antibacterial quality of honey depends on the type of honey as well as when and how it’s harvested. Some kinds of honey may be 100 times more potent than others.

Manuka HoneyThe major antibacterial component in Manuka honey is methylglyoxal (MG). MG is a compound found in most types of honey, but usually only in small quantities. MG gives Manuka honey its antibacterial power. The higher the concentration of MG, the stronger the antibacterial effect. It’s so good at healing infection that in many hospitals around the world now, active Manuka honey is used when nothing else works for treatment of antibiotic resistant MRSA super bugs, bed sores and other external ulcerative conditions, Helicobactor pylori (stomach ulcer causing bacteria), E coli, Staphylococcus aureus (the most common cause of wound infection) and Streptococcus pyogenes (stubborn, often antibiotic resistant bacteria which inflame and cause sore throats).It is very healing externally on the skin for conditions such as burns, wounds, dermatitis, eczema, abscesses etc. It is also known to decrease the duration of bacterial diarrhea. Another study suggests that Manuka honey may be effective in preventing gingivitis and other periodontal disease by reducing the buildup of plaque.

As a practicing Oncology Esthetician with a very full patient roster, I am continually searching for proven organic and botanical aids to help my patients heal. In 2010, the scientific steering committee of the US National Cancer Institute approved a proposal for the use of Manuka honey for the reduction of inflammation of the oesophagus associated with chemotherapy.

Researchers at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) in Al Ain* have discovered that Manuka honey effectively inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors in the breast, skin and colon. The team used three different cancer cells (breast, skin and colon) in the research and demonstrated that the addition of exceedingly small amounts of Manuka honey, as little as one percent, can stop the growth of cancer cells by up to 70 percent.” This is a very exciting area of research and we are optimistic about what these new developments may mean in terms of potential new treatments for certain types of cancer,” said Professor Al Ramadi. The research, he said, has also highlighted the honey’s potential property of reducing the toxic side effects associated with chemotherapy treatment in cancer patients.

Manuka Honey TreatAccording to Memorial Sloane Kettering** a 12-week controlled clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Manuka honey for treating venous ulcers. 108 patients were randomly allocated to Manuka honey or hydrogel dressings. Patients who received Manuka honey dressing had fewer instances of infection, decreased wound size, increased desloughing, and earlier epithelization compared to the hydrogel dressing. They concluded that Manuka honey is beneficial for wound management. I have personally been using Manuka honey in ALL of my facials since July 2013 when I heard it endorsed during a lecture
by one of the leading radiation oncologists in the US, Dr. Kevin Schewe; that such an eminent doctor gave this extraordinary liquid his endorsement was all I needed to start my own research on behalf of all of my clients. It is my duty to you.

S o here’s a deal I’ll make with you: I’ll continue to use Manuka honey in all of my facial and neck treatments and you use it in your diets on a daily basis and maybe, just maybe, we can keep cancer and many other serious complaints at bay.

The moisturizing Organic Facial (with Manuka honey) includes exfoliation and improved circulation, extractions to clarify and the legendary Vitamin E facial massage to oxygenate, stimulate and encourage collagen production before finishing with a firming mask and vitamin-packed moisturizer. A MUST for those who know that wellness extends to their skin too.

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