Jon and Catherine Fay are expanding their business again!

by Catherine Fay,
Owner and VP

Naples AirWe are so excited to be expanding our business once again. Hart Kelley is our newest pilot and his charter training with us began in late January.

Kelley is a former airline captain with over 23,000 flight hours. He lives on North Captiva Island with his wife, June, and plans to fly himself to work in his private plane. Although, Kelley wasn’t here for our newest photo, we want to officially welcome him to our team.

Pictured on the far right is Mike Walker. With over 28,000 flight hours, his skills as a pilot include flight instruction, airline captain and second in command positions.

Walker and his wife, Jan, live in Naples and are avid dog lovers and trainers.

Next, we have Wendy Wahlstedt. Like nearly all of Naples Air Inc.’s pilots, Wahlstedt holds the highest certification – the Airline Transport Pilot designation. She is a flight instructor and owns a life coaching business and likes to act and dance in local theatrical productions.

Third from the right is Brett Popovich. He holds his A&P (airframe and power plant) mechanic’s license. He works in all three areas of the business – mechanic, avionics and as a pilot on our team. He lives in Punta Gorda with his wife, Carol Ann, and spends time fishing.

In the photo, next to Jon and Catherine, is John Fuller, our Chief Pilot. He holds a management position within our company and has over 19,000 hours of civilian, military and major airline experience and pilots all of our planes. He flew extensively in the Caribbean, Central and South America. He and his wife, Marian, live in Ft. Myers with a menagerie of cats.

Catherine met Jon Fay in Burlington, Vermont. According to Catherine, she didn’t know anything about airplanes except that some have two engines, some have one and don’t talk on takeoff or landing. She’s learned a lot since those days, her duties now include almost everything except for flying and dealing with the FAA.

Jon Fay had a vision to utilize his entrepreneurial talents when we bought Naples Air Inc. 13 years ago. He is the light behind the company, always looking for ways to expand and improve the business.

Naples Air Inc. invites you to come meet our dedicated team! Call 239.403.4838 for your tailored quote!
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are expanding their business again!

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