JANA SEAMAN Honored and Recognized Among the Top 40 Businesspersons

Jana Seaman  is Honored and Recognized Among the Top 40 Businesspersons Under 40 by Gulfshore Business

 Serial entrepreneur and founder and CEO of VALO Holdings Group, Jana Seaman, was recently honored and recognized among the top 40 businesspersons under 40 by “Gulfshore Business”.

Jana Seaman is far right in this photo

A panel of judges for Gulfshore Business has recognized Jana Seaman as one of its 40 under 40 for 2022. Honorees were selected based on how individuals have distinguished themselves professionally and the depth of their community impact along the gulf coast. Jana demonstrates effortless leadership skills and drive within VALO Holdings Group and in her philanthropic work. Gulfshore Business “40 Under 40” feature Jana Seaman quoted; “My focus has been to build a community of people. I want to continue expanding my venture capital group while inspiring others to see beyond what they think is possible and to live their best lives.”

Jana has been building and growing a family of businesses through her venture capital firm VALO Holdings Group. Her firm is on a mission to provide business solutions in addition to funding allowing businesses to experience accelerated and sustainable growth. With Jana’s pursuit of excellence, she takes businesses to new heights by turning goals into reality.

Jana’s entrepreneurial drive has allowed her to create a portfolio of businesses and establish a team that shares the same core values and strives for lifelong growth. Her passion for the community is recognized by her tireless contributions to organizations, including STARability, St. Matthews House, Jonathon Ard Memorial Toy Drive, and countless other organizations along the gulf coast.

Included below is an excerpt from the feature of Jana in Gulfshore Business 40 under 40: For Jana Seaman, leadership is not about suits and boardrooms. Though her companies vary from wealth management firm Solas Wealth to success coaching brand JanaSeaman.com and the venture capital firm Valo Holdings Group, Seaman says there’s only been one constant in all her endeavors: She’s always been willing to bet on herself. “I grew up in a small Kentucky town, and when I was 18, I met a distinguished, classy businesswoman and author who also valued and prioritized her marriage and family first. The example of the life that she lived inspired me and I thought to myself, ‘I want to be that kind of a woman,’” she says.

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