How do you win the battle of the frizz?

That is a question asked often in Southwest Florida.

Erick Carter

Erick Carter

How do you win the battle of the frizz? That is a question asked often in Southwest Florida.

I think its first important to understand hair and what causes it to frizz. Most hair is made up of two layers the inner layer called the cortex and the outer layer called the cuticle, some do have a third called medulla.

The translucent cuticle layer of the hair is like shingles on a roof, which overlap each other and are on average 7-10 layers thick. The cortex of the hair is made up of two layers of protein and hair texture is determined by hydrogen, salt, and disulfide bonds.

Heat and moisture break down the salt and hydrogen bonds allowing the protein to absorb moisture. The protein chains absorbed the moisture differently, causing uneven swelling with in the cortex, which causes breaks in the cuticle. Thus adding more dryness and exposure to the cortex increasing the problem.

frizzy hairHow can products help?

Products can be applied to wet hair to help prevent frizz. I personally like to use a leave in conditioner such as Rusk Deepshine Smooth or Rusk Sensories Smooth, along with a light gel to help control the frizz such as W8less spray gel by Rusk.

Products that are applied to dry hair should help prevent the hair from absorbing moisture into the cortex layer. A silicone base product is an ideal product, silicone is design to block moisture from entering. Most popular oils today don’t have such silicones; however silicone can weigh heavy on some textures. Making argon oil, due to its many benefits, a nice alternative and/or included with a silicone product.

Along with this a proper shampoo is important, in your line of weapons to combat frizz a clarifying shampoo is important. The silicone base products can build up in your hair.( Despite popular belief clarifying shampoos are not stripping and do not remove color). Clarifying shampoo should be used once a week and before any chemical service.

How can a haircut help?

As we see curly frizzy hair desires moisture but controlled. It also desires weight, which helps pull the curl down. It is so important to remember that when looking through magazines for new haircuts. I am sure that everyone with curly hair has had it layered wrong for their hair type. Another alternative to layers is texture, it must be done cautiously, but it can be done successfully.

I would do like to invite all readers to write in your questions. You can do so by email at or call me at 239.777.2380.

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