Heart to Heart by Karen Coney Coplin

12 months + 26 ideas for Life in Naples, 2019

A is for Art: The United Arts Council promotes Art Walks and lists upcoming events such as “Best Bets” at CollierArts.com. Visit a locally owned gallery. Buy art from a local artist.

B is for Breakfast: in bed, at home, or hit the town. Brunch options abound too, for the weekend. What’s your favorite?

C is for Coffee: a corollary to “B.” Pick up a bag of beans at many area Farmer’s Markets; enjoy a relaxing treat after dinner, not just before breakfast. (Favorite local spot, readers?)

D is for Dog Park: Can you run with the big (or little) dogs? Pets are very much a part of many family’s lives – let them enjoy some “pack” time. One such park is at 99 Riverside Circle, off Goodlette Road near Central Ave.

E is for Earth: Earth Day is in April, but water quality issues have been in our mind’s eye for many months now. The Conservancy of Southwest Florida suggests many innovative and cost-free ways to protect our natural resources and wildlife.

F is for Friends: Haven’t caught up with an old friend for awhile? Make a call, make a date, make someone’s day!

G is for Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples: Kids of all ages and grandkids will enjoy an outing to this world-class facility at 15080 Livingston Road. CMON.org has the latest exhibits + events.

H is for Happy: take a “me” day and write down what makes you happy, then, do it! (And if you’d like, tell me about it, so I can incorporate that into a future column.)

I is for Invent: Take a drive to the City of Palms in Fort Myers to the Edison and Ford Winter Estates. Two fathers of invention loved the winter sunshine as much as you!

J is for JetBlue Park: Baseball anyone? Spring training coming up!

K is for Kids: Visit the Children’s Garden at Naples Botanical Garden. See a movie on the lawn at Cambier Park or Mercato. If they’re grown and away, call them with a special message just because!

L is for Laughter: Speaking of kids, they laugh more than 300 times a day and adults less than 20 times, on average. See a funny movie, share a joke, find a video (I’m thinking of the woman
wearing the Chewbacca mask!) and let the good times roll.

M is for Muscles: Work it on a paddleboard, or venture to an aerial yoga studio, perhaps? What’s new to you in 2019? Maybe book a massage afterward!

N is for NaplesOriginals.com – This website features a wealth of information on locally owned restaurants and often has gift card sales, too. Check it out then make a plan to eat local tonight!

O is for Opera: Operanaples.org will fill you in on all the exciting productions this season and discover upcoming events, too.

P is for Play: So many options! The Norris Center is home to the Gulfshore Playhouse until the new facility opens; the Sugden Community Theatre (Naplesplayers.org) and the Community
School of Naples (Theatrezone-florida.com) offer a variety of productions throughout the year.

Q is for Quick Breather: take a break at the Garden of Hope and Courage downtown. A favorite spot for reflection and inviting peaceful thoughts. gardenofhopeandcourage.org

R is for Radiant: So simple, just head to the Naples Pier (or other favorite spot) to catch a winter sunset and maybe the “green flash.”

S is for Splash: Slides, water features and lazy rivers are at many area hotels, and also at a county park, the Sun-N-Fun Lagoon. Napleswaterpark.com

T is for Time: It flies. Make it a priority to spend it with those you love when you can!

U is for Understanding: May this year bring us closer to each other; in Naples and the world over!

V is for von Liebig Art Center: Take a class, see a lecture, view exhibits. NaplesArt.org

W is for Wishes (and Wine): The Naples Winter Wine Festival begins this year’s events on January 25. Local children in need benefit through grants which have funded millions of dollars in
programs. The wish is that every child is cared for as if your own.

X is for Kisses (or is it hugs): Don’t let a day pass without bestowing some affection on your loved ones. Pets, too!

Y is for Young at Heart: A recent study concluded that what made us happiest as children translates into a similar vein as adults. If you’ve discovered that, you’re ahead of the crowd!

Z – or ZZZ: Nap. Power nap, cat nap, shut eye – try to add a regular nap break to your weekly schedule. That, and regular bedtimes or times to rise will make you more focused, happier, and  ready to take on all that 2019 may bring.

Karen can be reached at NaplesKCC@gmail.com or @naplesbythenumbers on Instagram. Send her your ideas for coverage of local charitable organizations in a future article or to answer questions or share comments posed by this article.

1 reply
  1. Lori
    Lori says:

    Great reminder for 2019, places to visit, people to see and share time with Karen! I love to catch up with friends for coffee or tea at Kunjani with a portion of my purchase to a local non-profi, while picking out some fair trade gifts, and leaving with an inspiring note card. See you there!


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