First Anniversary Marks New Beginnings at The Arlington of Naples

Exciting things happen every day at The Arlington of Naples, which recently celebrated its first anniversary of offering a luxurious, country club-style environment within Lely Resort. As the first life plan (continuing care)community to be built in Collier County in over 20 years, The Arlington is new and fresh and offers endless possibilities—just like the next stage of its residents’ lives!

Community residents trade the demands of upkeep on a home for carefree living in one of The Arlington’s luxurious, free-standing villas or a one-, two-, or three-bedroom apartments. Since the community is so new, everyone is a recent arrival. That means each resident has a chance to be involved and contribute to decisions about the community’s lifestyle. And it’s easy to make friends because neighbors are also settling into their new lifestyle. There are no long-established groups to have to “break into.”

Although The Arlington is new, the community began offering extraordinary amenities, programs, and services on Day One, and now every day includes activities that are relaxing, enriching, and just plain fun. Residents can swim or golf; take a yoga class;spend time in the art studio; watch a movie or hear a lecture; play cards or read in the lounge; join friends for lunch or happy hour; and invite family fora Sunday champagne brunch. The Arlington takes care of the daily details so community members can spend time on the activities and people that they enjoy most.

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