Chabad Naples Presents A Historic Evening

On February 24, 2014 Chabad Naples hosts a moving evening with Mrs Eva Schloss at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort. Mrs Schloss is the step-sister of Anne Frank and will bring to the night unique personal insight into the young girl the world knows best through her diary. Mrs Schloss is herself a Holocaust concentration camp survivor who since 1985 has traveled extensively speaking out against bigotry and violence. She has worked tirelessly for Holocaust education and world peace.

In 1999 Mrs Schloss along side then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan signed The Anne Frank Declaration. The Anne Frank Declaration pledged to “remember the millions of children around the world who will not greet the new millennium with us because they were killed in wars and conflict” and resolves to “work together towards a better world, free of bigotry.” Mrs Schloss has led a life that few can imagine, with depths of despair as well as soaring uplifting moments. This evening ‘s presentation will be an inspiring community wide event that is not to be missed.

Monday evening’s benefit begins at 6:00pm with a private patron cocktail party and reception with Mrs Schloss. At 7:30pm Mrs Schloss will begin her historic talk about her life and work. Tickets are available for both the private reception or the talk only by contacting Chabad Naples.

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