Columns dealing with health and fitness for Life In Naples Magazine

NCH Performs First Surgery in SW Florida to Restore Mobility in Stroke Patients

NCH Performs First Surgery in SW Florida to Restore Mobility…

Vote for Your Mental Health

Polls and studies in the past several years have noted that…

A Veteran. A Naples Resident. Plagued by PTSD years before he even served

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health…

BE VISIBLE while riding your bicycle or walking by Michelle Avola-Brown

by Michelle Avola-Brown, Executive Director, Naples Pathways…

6 ways to naturally energize yourself this summer

It’s easy to slip into hibernation mode when you live in a…

April Showers Bring May Mosquitoes

Each year as our seasonal residents return north for the…

Golden PAWS Assistance Dogs Provides First-Ever Crisis Care Canine

Golden PAWS Assistance Dogs Provides First-Ever Crisis Care Canine…

Prepare for Exercise/Sport

Exercise is a form of movement that utilizes joints, ligaments,…

15th Annual Women’s Health Forum

“Fit & Fabulous You: Today & Beyond” A Resounding…