Believe in the power of love

At 28 days, except for leap years, February is our shortest month. It boasts a special day devoted to affection and love. This can be felt both within and around you, with others sharing your life in Naples.

Karen Coney Coplin

An unexpected bonus is that this positive experience can be spread worldwide, through social media and other ripple effects.

Mother Teresa summed up a truth which many of us know. We are better together.

“…we can all do small things with great love and together we can do something wonderful.”

What small things make your heart sing this month? Let any of these start a chorus.

Here are some suggestions for each day of month:

28—Share your passions. Do you have a hobby? Let your skills and ideas inspire others online or local Meetup groups.

27—Share your enthusiasm. Give a shout-out to someone bearing happy news. It’s all around us. If you are open to it, good news will come in droves. Maybe a local high schooler is going to attend your alma mater, having just found out via early decision. Congratulations are always welcome!

26—Send a handwritten note to a friend of old. “Real” snail mail is so rare these days. A bonus would be picking out a fun or pretty stamp to make your envelope shine a little “extra.”

25—Have faith in others. Believing in the best in others is often a self-fulfilling exercise and prophecy.

24—Give a compliment. Maybe you can fill a day with sincere (and sometimes unexpected) compliments. Genuine comments which uplift others are always appreciated and even have the power to change the course of the recipient’s day for the better.

23—Keep hope alive. Whether for yourself or another, remember, it’s impossible to exhaust all possibilities.

22—Hug someone in your household. Right now! If you’re alone, wrap your arms around yourself in a giant bear hug.

21—Make a favorite meal and share a plate with a solitary neighbor.

20—Reflect on a happy moment from childhood. Maybe it was shared with another family member – have you been out of touch? Rekindling this memory can help you reconnect or lift their spirits.

19—Take time to listen deeply to someone who is having difficulties. Just listen. Be at their side and care. Compassion is a superpower.

18—Remember a lost loved one and do something that reminds you of happy times when they were alive, or otherwise honors their legacy.

17—Are you one for surprises? There is no shortage of ways to inject a happy note into someone’s day. It could be as simple as paying for someone behind you in the drive-through lane.

16—Call someone who would appreciate hearing from you.

15—Pick a funny joke to make another smile and laugh.

14—Treat yourself! This can take many forms and self-love is always the foundation for expressions of love to others.

13—A corollary: forgive yourself – and others.

12—Put an end to a quarrel which may now seem senseless. And even if not…maybe it’s time to start anew, if only to free yourself.

11—Let your eyes light up when someone you care about walks into the room. If that hasn’t happened lately, let it happen today!

10—Adopt a favorite piece of advice to utilize when possible: “Give a soft answer.”

9—Affirm another’s worth. Find the words, speak them and share these with that person – as well as others.

8—Hold someone’s hand and give it a special squeeze. Or pay gentle attention to a loving pet.

7—Find a way to support your favorite charity, even if a financial donation is not possible at this time.

6—Reread a favorite book and then pass it along. Or find a recommended new read which is uplifting or powerful.

5—Take a walk. Think and note what you love about what crosses your path. It’s the simple things.

4—Give a warm greeting to one who might not expect it.

3—Everyone loves fresh flowers. Visit a local florist and treat yourself or someone who needs a day brightener.

2—Make time, then savor the moment.

1—Express gratitude freely. Especially to those whose presence matters in your life. Not just on Valentine’s Day. Today.

About Karen

Email Karen with your article ideas (especially as to day brighteners to share with other Neapolitans): Follow her on Instagram for colorful stories and inspiration from Life in Naples: @naplesbythenumbers

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