an ARTIST perception by By Phil Fisher and Natalie Guess

The best studio is the out-of-doors and Naples offers a very scenic studio with many visual possibilities on a daily basis. As long as the weather is cooperating, which it is, more often than not, a painting is just waiting to be created.

“Clouds and Reflections” is one of those scenes Naples presented recently. “Thought I’d throw in a pelican and a few seagulls too, but this was obviously all about the atmosphere!”

The watercolor, “Found Treasure”, “I think the treasure and pleasure was mine! The focus on her sweet face was perfect with the cool wind blowing in her hair says it all! The beach may seem a lot of the same to many, but I’m always looking for inspiration to find me, if I just show up, particularly on such a blustery day, as one never knows the treasures you may come across!”

“Late Afternoon Clouds” was a perfect view of the big sky over these historic boathouses in Port Royal. “We get these beautiful cumulus clouds to the east this time of day at this time of year! It’s our rainy season and the sky is often nothing short of amazing as the sun gets lower and its dance of colors on the clouds is orchestrated magnificently! The sky and its light set the mood for outdoor painting which is why I so often paint it first as I did here! I think the darks below really set off the glow and majesty above! I’m often not sure if I can capture an ever-changing sky, but I am sure I can capture something of it and I’ve lost it all if I don’t try!”

“Brambles Tea Room” is a charming spot on 5th Avenue South inspired by the cheerful owners and staff located downtown Naples down this passageway called Rue de Fleur. “A real treat!”

“She’s One With The Wind” is an oil on canvas. “The glow of the setting sun sets this beauty off perfectly! I added the figure because with an old Ketch (’47) like this, there’s always something to be done!”

Historic, charming or a dramatic sky can inspire a painter to paint! It’s an artist’s perspective!


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