When Inspiration Takes Flight … life in the facet lane by Diana Jarrett GG RMV

Collectors value the influence of jewelry to display power and wealth, but it can also reveal personal taste and express individuality. There’s something else that we can’t overlook. Jewelry can hold a cherished message known only to its wearer.

Symbols of love and other uplifting sentiments can also embody a piece of jewelry that’s thoughtfully crafted —providing a sense of pride or comfort to its wearer. Most people, whether they are jewelry enthusiasts or not, find the butterfly to be a captivating symbol. A caterpillar creates its cocoon to isolate itself for a period of time. (Don’t we all feel like doing that occasionally?) When it finally emerges from its self-imposed quarantine it’s a breathtakingly delicate butterfly as dazzling as any natural jewel from the earth.

Jewelry designer Karli Fabric of Toni Lynn Jewelry (http://tonilynnjewelry.com) explores this theme with her latest Butterfly Kisses collection. She explains, “The Butterfly Kisses collection is our take on the classic butterfly.”

It has a universal message Karli finds. “Butterfly kisses are a delicate gesture that represent an affectionate expression of closeness. It’s a way of expressing love without words and can remind us that love can be light and full of wonder. Though butterfly kisses can be gentle in nature, the impression they leave can be everlasting.”

Karli’s story took on a deeper meaning when she lost her mom to pancreatic cancer, but the sweet memories she left endures forever. “Butterfly kisses hold special memories in my heart. As a little girl, my mom would always give us butterfly kisses and Eskimo kisses. I can still feel myself start to giggle when I think about those memories.”

Discover a theme that relates to your life with the Butterfly Kisses collection—one of rebirth, hope, and newness of life, are but a few of its possibilities. What’s your uplifting message to the world?

We have special traits known only to those close to us—let your unique personality sparkle!

Butterfly necklace and Butterfly earrings  Courtesy Toni Lynn Jewelry


Contact Diana Jarrett Diana@DianaJarrett.com   Read www.color-n-ice.com

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