What’s Happening at Rookery Bay

Batfish BashDon’t Let the Flock Pass You By

The Friends of Rookery Bay is pleased to announce that support for this year’s Batfish Bash for the Bay is off to a fabulous start. The Bash committee has reported many auction items are already in hand. A number of supporters have matched or trumped their gifts from previous years, and several new sponsors are being welcomed to the family. The list of cash donors to date includes Minto, Arthrex, Pulte Homes, and J.R. Evans Engineering. In-kind sponsors include Marco Marriott, Naples Daily News, Lennar Homes, Southern Wines & Spirits, Tito’s Vodka, the Aggressor Fleet, Artistic Science, and StoreSmart Self-Storage. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to support a great local cause: donate an auction  item, be a sponsor, or take advantage of the wonderful auction by attending the event.

Preview auction items and find more info here: www.rookerybay.org/bash.

Save The Date!

Saturday, March 15, 2014 from

6 to 10 p.m.

“Batfish Bash for the Bay.”

Enjoy a casual cocktail hour at Rookery Bay

Environmental Learning Center, with sunset

on the bridge overlooking Henderson

Creek, silent auction, and live entertainment

with dinner and dancing under the

stars. Call: 239.530.5971239.530.5971 for tickets, donations, and more information. www.rookerybay.org.

March Events

Registration required at www.rookerybay.org or call 239.540.5940

March 4 (1:30 – 4:30 p.m.) High Points boat tour

Take a three-hour, naturalist-led small boat tour through the back bays and

winding creeks of the Rookery Bay Reserve to visit one of the most unique areas

of Southwest Florida. After disembarking, take a short hike to one of the highest

points in Collier County, an ancient sand dune relic that is 25 feet above sea

level. Participants must have the physical ability to get into and out of a boat tied

up to the shore. Cost is $75 for non-members, $70 for Friends of Rookery Bay

members. Register at rookerybay.org. Also offered March 19 and 28.

March 4 (Noon to 1 p.m.)

Lunch & Learn Lecture

“Goliath Grouper- Giant of the Reef”

Ecological TreasureManagement of the goliath grouper, the largest member of the sea bass family

in our region, has become an intensely debated issue in recent years. Once

severely overfished, they have made a substantial comeback, but there is still

much to be learned about the reef giants. Join Bryan Fluech, the UF/IFAS Florida

Sea Grant Extension Agent in Collier County as he will share insights into the life

history and management issues surrounding goliath grouper. Lunch and dessert

provided by Carrabba’s and Costco. Lectures are free for members and $10 for

non-members Reservations are required at www.rookerybay.org.

March 5 (1:30 – 4:30 p.m.)

Treasure Island boat tour

The treasure on this remarkable island isn’t gold, silver or pirate’s booty. It is

the amazing ecological treasure of a very rare tropical hardwood hammock.

This tour lasts approximately 3 hours and requires the physical ability to get

into and out of a boat tied up to the shore and to walk 1/2 mile on uneven

terrain. Closed-toed shoes are required. Cost is $75 for non-members, $70 for

Friends of Rookery Bay members and includes admission to the Rookery Bay

Environmental Learning Center. Register at rookerybay.org. Also offered March

13, 18 and 27.

March 6 (1:30 – 4:30 p.m.)

History Mystery boat tour

Explore Rookery Bay Reserve’s human and natural history during this 3-hour

small boat trip. From early Native Americans to mullet millionaires, and from

mud crabs to manatees, this tour is about exploring the mystery of history.

Participants must have the physical ability to step on and off of the boat at a

dock. Cost is $75 for non-members, $70 for Friends of Rookery Bay members

and includes admission to the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center.

Register at rookerybay.org. Also offered March 11, 20 and 26.

March 7 (1:30 – 4:30 p.m.)

Life is a Beach boat tour

Take a naturalist-led small boat tour and explore Keewaydin Island,

a natural, living barrier island with an incredible diversity of life and

some of the best shelling in Florida. The 3-hour trip includes time to

stroll the beach with the naturalist and a cruise through the Rookery

Bay mangrove estuary. Participants must have the physical ability to

step on and off of the boat at a dock. Cost is $75 for non-members,

$70 for Friends of Rookery Bay members and includes admission

to the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center. Register at

rookerybay.org. Also offered March 12, 21 and 25.

March 8 (8 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

WING IT: A Beginning Birder Workshop

Learn basics of birding, including how to use field guides, plumage,

flight patterns, behavior and field marks in bird identification. This

class also provides an overview of binocular styles and functions,

including adjusting the diopter and other “tricks of the trade.” The

classroom session will be followed by a field trip to a nearby park

to practice new skills. Cost is $30 for non-members and $25 for

members. The class is limited to 20 people and pre-registration is

required online at rookerybay.org.

March 22 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

World Water Day

In celebration of World Water Day, the Rookery Bay Environmental

Learning Center offers “buy one, get one free admission.” Higher

price prevails. Cannot be combined with other offers.

March 24-28 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Art Class: Acrylic Landscape & Seascape

Learn how to paint favorite scenes and landscapes and to create

fantastic skies, gorgeous ocean scenes, trees, mountains and

more during this five-day class. Using her book “Landscapes in

Acrylic” as a guide, Lee Hammond will demonstrate easy methods

for students at all ability levels; no experience required. During

Hammond’s class last year, students went home with four paintings

ready for framing. Hammond has been a professional artist and art

instructor for more than 30 years. She has published more than

35 art instruction books. Supplies are not included. Cost is $375.

Maximum class size is nine people.

March 27 (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) and March 28 (7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)

Nature Photography Workshop

This two-day workshop is designed as a skill building session for

relative newcomers to digital SLR photography. These classes are not

intended to teach you the basic functions of your individual camera,

as participants are expected to know how to operate their cameras; instead it will

address nature photography techniques in the classroom and in the field. The classroom

session will address a variety of photography techniques including; spot metering,

composition, depth of field, etc. Additionally, there will be a discussion on ethics

of nature photography and the practices photographers sometimes use to get the

“perfect shot.” There will also be three hours of one class dedicated to practicing new skills in

the field. Required equipment: digital SLR camera with detachable

lenses. This class is not designed for point-and-shoot camera users.

Maximum number of participants: 7. Cost: $150 for two-day class.

Registration required.

March 28 (5:30 to 7 p.m.)

Amazing Adventures

“Exploring wild tropical China” given by: Hong Liu, Department

of Earth and Environment at Florida International University and

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Assistant Professor. Over the past

six years, Liu has had many opportunities to explore and study many

remote, but biologically rich parts of tropical China. She will share

some of her experiences, and discuss the conservation challenges

that many rare Chinese plants are facing. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

for refreshments, the speaker’s presentation is 6 to 7 p.m. followed

by questions and mingling. Admission is free for members and $10

for non-members and includes refreshments.

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