There’s A New Non-Profit In Town



Law Enforcement Against Drugs & Violence (L.E.A.D) is a national non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization with its origins in Allentown, New Jersey. It was formed in 2014, and the program teaches drug and violence prevention to youth while serving to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and communities.

After working with law enforcement agencies in Florida for three years, L.E.A.D is proud to expand its vision by opening a new flagship office in Naples. The new office serves as the center of L.E.A.D’s national philanthropy division in the heart of Collier County. Thanks largely to the vision of their CEO Nicholas DeMauro and the support of Collier County’s dedicated Sheriff Kevin Rombosk (who serves on its Board of Directors), Collier is now the home of the most rapidly expanding L.E.A.D program in the United States. L.E.A.D also recently partnered with the Florida Association of Boys and Girls Clubs to provide the program after school statewide.

L.E.A.D has partnered with the Mendez Foundation to deliver their Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence curricula. This evidence-based curriculum is delivered by law enforcement and educators. The programs are delivered once a week over a ten-week period and include interactive and hands on activities designed for skill building and application. These programs utilize age appropriate social and emotional learning to work through fun and interactive lessons, building the self-confidence young people need to make healthy choices and achieve success.

These programs promote positive, prosocial attitudes and behaviors and help them solidify their goals-setting, decision-making and communications kills while teaching them how to make smart decisions without the involvement of alcohol, drugs, and violence.

The L.E.A.D program uses evaluation studies conducted by third-party researchers using randomized treatment control group designs (pretest, posttest, 20-week post test, or one year follow up). The researchers examine pre-test equivalence between treatment and control groups, potential bias of loss of student data over time, quality of program implementation, and validity of assessment tools. By conducting this research, L.E.A.D ensures that instructors have the most tested, proven and effective anti-drug and anti-violence curricula available.

L.E.A.D’s In the Classroom program has trained over 4,500 instructors and has a presence in all 50 states. They have new training exceeding 100 new regions in 2023.

In Collier County alone, L.E.A.D has been implemented in 36 5th grade classrooms:


In support of our mission and vision, L.E.A.D is committed to: Growing our model in every state in the union Educating1.5 million students on the dangers of drugs, related crimes,and bullying.

Initiating community awareness programs that bring together law enforcement and local citizens Engaging in fundraising initiatives to provide necessary resources to execute our mission.This includes private donations, grants and foundations, and a clothing recycling program. Sponsorship opportunities include “Adopt a School”, a National Drug and Violence Conference, a Leadership & Community Solutions Summit, and L.E.A.D FEST Carnivals. L.E.A.D also has a “Battling Drugs and Violence” radio show on AM 970 “The Answer” in New York City.


We provide leadership, resources, and management to ensure law enforcement agencies have the means to partner with our educators, community leaders, and families. We succeed by providing proven and effective programs to deter youth from drug use, drug related crimes, bullying and violence. We are committed to reinforcing mutual respect, goodwill and relations between law enforcement and their communities.



Executive Vice President of Philanthropy 609-228-6649 x306


Director of Corporate and Foundation Partnerships (609) 228-6649 x307


1100 5th Avenue South, Unit 208, Naples, FL 34110


5 South Main Street, Allentown, NJ 08501

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