Society’s Most Vulnerable – Publishers Desk May 2015

Reg Buxton

Reg Buxton

In our wealthy community it’s hard to imagine that so many people need our assistance, but there are. Single parent families, usually women, raising their children to the best of their ability but somehow falling short. The prevalence of abuse and exploitation of women, children and the elderly is both shocking, disgusting and most of all alarming.

Looking at the work of the Shelter for Abused Women and also the Children’s Advocacy Center we are to commend and support their efforts.

Providing a safe and caring environment is extremely important and the least we can do for those who have experienced unspeakable pain and suffering. It takes years and in many cases a life time of therapy and support to deal with the physical and psychological damage. Support their fundraising events.

The time of abuse for an individual may have passed but the scars are deep and trust is difficult to regain. When will I ever feel safe again, is a frequent question. Undoing the damage is tied into self esteem and confidence. It actually does take a village to assist in overcoming the feeling of helplessness and worthlessness. It’s also worthy to note that when you help one woman you change an entire generation.

Organizations like Dress for Success offer more than a wardrobe to a woman looking for employment. They offer skills, coaching, mentoring, follow-up and most important dignity. Clothing or time to give? Call.

It’s no surprise to any of us that education is a golden ticket out of poverty. Consider getting involved by supporting one of the women’s scholarship programs at Hodges University.

Our beloved Thelma Hodges is proud to support women who are well qualified for university but underfunded. Again change one woman’s life and you change generations, is it worth it to you? It is to me. It is a beautiful thing to assist with a scholarship and applaud the independence that follows.

In essence you and I are not feeding anyone we are teaching them to fish. Assist someone with their education and the entire community reaps the reward. What can you do to help? For starters open your heart and then make a phone call and ask one of the aforementioned entities how you can make a difference. Time, talent and treasure is all needed and you only need to offer one. When will you get started?

1 reply
  1. Kathy Guyitt
    Kathy Guyitt says:

    Good morning Reg. Fantastic article and right on point. Teach a man/woman to fish and they eat for a lifetime. These days I prefer to help behind the scenes. I’ve made a vow to donate a percentage of each new remodeling project to a deserving non-profit. One time I filled up my trunk with staples from Costco and dropped it off at St. Matthew’s House. Another time I ordered marketing products per the non-profit’s specs. Every remodeling project provides useable demo’d materials to Habitat Restore. There are lots of ways to help if you don’t have time to volunteer. Usually the non-profit posts a Wish List on their web-site. Thanks for your good works for the community and a reminder of how the simplest of acts can change a life. Kathy Guyitt


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