Project HELP gearing up for annual fundraiser

By Eileen Wesley –
Executive Director,
Project Help

As the summer months try to melt away our resolve with its scorching heat, Project HELP’s cause burns stronger than ever.

Being the only certified rape recovery and victim service center in Collier County means that season doesn’t apply for our clients. Thousands of people pass through our doors each year who need therapy, counsel, or help getting back on their feet after a violent crime, rape, or other unspeakable traumatic event in their lives.

Our 24-hour HELP line takes hundreds of calls per year, talking people through issues when they had nowhere else to turn.

For those who want to support this worthy cause, there is a big opportunity on the horizon to help — and you might just have a whole lot of fun at the same time.

Our annual fundraiser, A Night in Monte Carlo, is right around the corner. It will take place the Saturday before Thanksgiving, from 6 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, at Hilton Naples. There will be food, prominent guest speakers from around the county, a silent auction, and lots of gaming for a great cause.

Every day I speak with men and women who benefit from us simply being accessible. There are so many people who are terrified to come forward with their story. They believe their stories don’t deserve to be heard, or there’s nowhere safe to go if they have a traumatic event that upends their lives.

We’re here to tell you that you’re not alone, and we hope the community will join us in our fight to let victims know that there is a safe haven right in your backyard.

So I call on the entire community to stand up and join us. We’re here to help. But we need yours, too.

Come to our annual fundraiser and have a lot of fun raising money for a truly noble cause.

Our therapists, counselors, advocates, and case workers help our victims gain every advantage they can to jumpstart their lives again. We work to re-empower victims to move forward and recover from what was taken away from them.

We offer coping skills, safety plans, and individual goal planning to help victims take the steps they need towards recovery. We work with victims so they can recognize, face, and solve problems arising from their trauma. We want to be sure all victims know their rights, and never feel alone.

Because HELP is here.

Join our cause. Visit for more information, or call us at 239-649-1404.


What: A Night in Monte Carlo

When/Where: 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, at Hilton Naples.

Tickets: $160Tickets include 2 drink vouchers for the event. There will be food, guest speakers, a silent auction and lots of gaming for a good cause.

Call 239-649-1404 or visit our website at to reserve a seat now.

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