New Year, New You!

It’s the New Year, and often times a smile makeover is the missing piece of a more confident New You! This was the case for Eve Ottis who spent years feeling self-conscious and hiding her crooked, discolored teeth. Eve is not only a glowing example of what a smile makeover can do to enhance your overall beauty and confidence, she is also the hygienist at Dental Excellence, where she has worked with Dr. Cheryl Malick for the past eight years and has educated and guided countless guests through their own smile makeovers.

new year new youEve is a former U.S. Marine, and a proud veteran of the Desert Storm Gulf War. Eve is the mother of two beautiful children, Allyson, age 17, a senior in high school, and Michael, age 22, a sophomore at Rutgers University. Eve tragically lost Larry, her husband of 18 years, to brain cancer, only five months after his initial diagnosis. Following his sudden death, Eve has become involved in raising awareness for brain cancer and brain cancer research through “Miles for Hope” and will be participating in her third “Miles for Hope” walk in February in Orlando.

Guests like Eve are often astonished by the results achieved with a smile makeover. Yes, a smile makeover can significantly alter the appearance of your face, and often makes you look a decade younger! But most people are surprised to hear that a smile makeover can sometimes mean changing only a few teeth. Everyone has their own smile makeover number and we want to help you discover “What’s Your Number?”

When Eve finally decided to do something about her teeth, she conferred with her boss about having a smile makeover. Why? “I’ve experienced Dr. Malick’s passion for dentistry first hand, which makes the patient’s experience comfortable, easy, and the end results life changing.”

As she does with all of her cosmetic dentistry patients, Dr. Malick started Eve’s procedure by taking photos of Eve’s teeth to evaluate New You! new year, every aspect of her smile. Then Dr. Malick asked her employeeturned- patient detailed questions about what she didn’t like about her teeth and smile, and her goals, to be certain of Eve’s expectations. The end result: 14 artistically-crafted porcelain veneers and crowns on Eve’s upper teeth, which instantly straightened her teeth, enhanced the color, corrected her bite and eliminated old silver fillings.

For anyone considering this type of dental procedure, Dr. Malick suggests that patients should ask their dentist about his or her postgraduate training in aesthetic dentistry, and request to see high-quality before and after photos of cases the dentist has personally performed, or better yet, see cases completed in person. new year new you 2

With her dental work complete, Eve says she now loves her smile. “It’s amazing the difference my smile makeover has made.” Proof positive that the world looks brighter from behind a smile.

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