Naples is Stronger Together!

Hello Naples Community,

by Paul Hiltz
NCH President & CEO

The past few months have been challenging. We’ve been asked to stay home and physically distance ourselves in order to stay safe and well. The uncertainty of this pandemic, and the way it’s changed our daily lives, has been difficult.

However, the compassion and care our community has shown has been incredible. Your light has guided us in this dark time, and your generosity has been inspiring.

Hope lies in our power of community. If I’ve learned anything about Southwest Florida, it’s that COVID-19 can’t shake the power of this community. You are resilient.

NCH and Lee Health have partnered in a campaign called SWFL: Better Together where we lean on our community to raise funds  for necessary supplies and resources during this trying time. We’ve already secured additional PPE, germ-zapping robots
and necessary supplies with these additional resources.

In addition to the generous donations we’ve received, we’ve seen the community support through cards, drawings from children,
chalk art, signs, social media comments and generous food donations. We feel your support and it’s appreciated in trying
times like these.

You’ve rallied behind our healthcare workers, our staff, our volunteers – and for that I thank you. We appreciate this
wonderful community we are privileged to serve. We are, and always will be, a community healthcare system. We’re doing everything we can to help you lead a healthier and happier life.

We strive to make NCH a great place to work and to be a patient. And, we are stronger when we pull together during hard times. No one anticipated a global pandemic.

Our hearts and prayers remain with our friends, family and neighbors that have been impacted by this virus. Every night brings hope for the sunrise. And, we are looking forward to brighter days, together. We are all stronger together.

Thank you,
Paul Hiltz, FACHE
Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives


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