NAPLES AIRPORT by Chris Rozansky, Executive Director, Naples Airport Authority

As part of its commitment to making aviation sustainable, the Naples Airport has replaced its air-field vehicles with zero-emission options, including aircraft tugs, service carts, and pickup trucks.

Makes Strides Towards Sustainability Propelling towards a cleaner future

During 2023, the Naples Airport Authority (NAA) undertook numerous programs and initiatives aimed at increasing environmental responsibility and sustainability at the airport. As an industry leader, we are passionate about being on the leading edge of aviation sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Understanding the importance of protecting the environment and constantly seeking ways to reduce its environmental impact, the Naples Airport began offering UL 94 unleaded fuel as an environmentally cleaner alternative to traditional avgas. The Naples Airport is currently one of only three public airports in Florida and the 35th in the nation to offer UL 94. In April 2023, the NAA Board of Commissioners approved an airport-funded subsidy to ensure that UL 94 is sold at or below the price of traditional avgas, so that cost is never a factor when operators decide which fuel to use in their piston aircraft. We’re proud to be at the forefront of making aviation more sustainable.

Furthermore, the NAA understands the importance of protecting the environment for future generations, and we are committed to continually improving our sustainability practices. In the past year, we’ve replaced golf carts, aircraft tugs, ground power units, and other air-field vehicles with zero-emissions options. The latest additions to our electric-powered ground fleet are Ford Lightning trucks.

The NAA ponds along Airport Road accept runoff from the industrial park to the east, which covers more than 400 acres. In 2015, we modified the larger pond to create a filtering process so the water leaves the airport in a nearly natural state. In recognition of this project, the NAA was awarded the prestigious J. Bryan Cooper Environmental Award for its efforts to improve water quality. Building on this success, the NAA has initiated a new Master Drainage Plan that will identify additional opportunities to further protect our waters.

Additionally, as part of our partnership with the Southwest Florida Land Preservation Trust, the Naples Airport has placed large tracts of its land into conservation for the Gordon River Greenway. As the work of the Trust concludes, the NAA will continue to preserve and maintain portions of the Gordon River Greenway on airport property. The maintenance of this property by the NAA comes at no cost to City or County taxpayers.

Recently, the Naples Airport was again awarded the J. Bryan Cooper Environmental Award for its Comprehensive Wildlife
Management Program. This program focuses on protecting Southwest Florida’s native wildlife while ensuring the safety of our pilots and passengers.

As aviation continues to progress in new and exciting directions, including preparation for the eventual introduction of
electric aircraft and Sustainable Aviation Fuel, the Naples Airport aims to be an industry leader in environmentally sustainable and responsible technology and programs.

Want to learn more about the Naples Airport? For a tour of the airport, or to arrange for a speaker at your group’s next meeting, call (239) 643-0733.

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