life in the facet lane by Diana Jarrett GG RMV


Who doesn’t want something that no one else has? And if you’re an avid jewelry collector, chances are that mindset extends to your jewelry wardrobe. After all, jewelry has evolved into a brilliant personal expression for its wearer—one that beautifully displays our own unique taste and style.

Something New in Diamonds
Here’s a newer entry in the diamond department that you may want to consider. These spicy diamond varieties are called Salt & Pepper diamonds or, more simply Pepper diamonds.

How’d they do that?
And this is the backstory of these lively modern stones. Salt & Pepper diamonds are a natural diamond variety. They are colorless stones but have interesting natural inclusions in them for a distinct appearance. Many colorless diamonds have natural inclusions, and that’s one of the identifying characteristics that gemologists use in verifying their authenticity. Inclusions are other microscopic minerals that were present during the crystal’s formative period.

What’s in a Name?
Diamonds with slight inclusions are simply graded as to their clarity. But this particular category of diamonds exhibits abundant easily recognizable dark inclusions—these are called ‘pepper’.
Lighter natural inclusions are nicknamed—you guessed it. Salt. They offer a very original take on the more traditional colorless diamond. And as every collector knows who has added these to
their jewelry wardrobe, each Salt & Pepper diamond is completely unique. You’ll never see that exact same pattern again. Ever. Small wonder that many young brides have chosen Salt & Pepper diamonds for their engagement ring. After all, modern brides want their bridal jewelry to reflect their individuality and be an expression of their edgy style.

Examination Room
The only way to find out if these distinctive stones are right for you is to see some up close and personal. You’ll enjoy examining more than one to fully appreciate the patterns appearing in these
stones. One may be calling your name. Are you that well-seasoned jewelry collector?

“If I were you, I would state the facts as they were, without the pepper and salt.”
~Abraham Lincoln

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