life in the facet lane by Diana Jarrett GG RMV

The Language of Color
The idea that colors have a language they communicate is nothing new. Books have been written on this
subject. And we find it true in our own life—often without realizing it. On a cool winter’s day, or a rainy morning, we gravitate toward monochromatic or dark colors in our clothing to reflect our subdued mood.

How We Respond to Color
Have you ever found yourself unsettled in a restaurant awash with certain bold colors? Something called ‘fast-food-orange’ was devised by designers of fast food restaurants decades ago to encourage patrons to eat and run. Fine restaurants on the other hand soothe us with calming sophisticated tones that elicit feelings of luxury and inspire us to linger over a meal.

The same psychology applies to gemstone colors. A collector may not cognitively understand why they gravitate to certain colors, but colors definitely speak to the wearer in a very personal way.

Paint the Month Red!

Extraordinary ruby and diamond couture earrings; Courtesy

February should be considered the month of love because right in the middle of it, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. This sentimental day for love has many nuanced interpretations. It may be romantic love, but also familial love, brotherly-sisterly love, or a warm-hearted appreciation for those in our life. So much to celebrate!

We think the entire month should be painted red—a color that experts say reflects passion, energy, power, and determination. Certainly we all know those who fit each of these upbeat descriptions.

Jewelry is a popular gift choice for Valentine’s Day—since we want the recipient to know what they mean to us. Ruby is the quintessential expression of love wrapped in a gemstone—its color conveys a deep love, and a true heart.

Perfection in Red
Celebrated luxury jeweler LEIBISH understands the powerful language of color. Their ruby and diamond couture earrings are one-of-a-kind for one very beloved wearer. The ruby’s rich red hues contrast spectacularly against the icy white diamonds that form a lyrical halo around the heroes of this design. This powerful red hue definitely speaks a language of love that needs no interpretation. Why not let a ruby gift express your feelings beautifully this Valentine’s Day?

Love is a priceless gift that only we can freely give away.

Contact Diana Jarrett Read 

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