Latchkey League Party Scene

pool partyby Sandra Lee Buxton

What snaps, crackles and pops and no it’s not THAT cereal! Well if you know the powerful Latchkey League, then you know that it’s them, 400 members strong. Not shy about supporting a cause and no shortage of talent as they work tirelessly to complete an important mission.

As the League raises money to support the Fran Cohen Youth Center in East Naples this group mixes business with pleasure.

The business of fundraising and the pleasure of another fantastic party not to mention the company of warm and caring people.

Fourteen home or Club parties have been held beginning November of 2014 and concluded for the year this past May. In that short time frame another $146,900 was raised all benefiting the Youth Center. The League’s events are always sold out with a party venue offering something for everyone.

pool decorationsHold on as I am about to give you a brief overview: Cocktails and extensive art collections, Christmas magic with more than the eye can take in, BBQ and line dancing, fashion shows and yummy lunches, candlelight and opera, Mah Jongg anyone?, historic homes, sailing, bridge, Jazz under the Stars and a Kentucky Derby Party. You might be saying to yourself, “Well I have had cocktails before,” true enough but these are Four Season caliber cocktails and plenty of them. Mah Jongg sounds boring you say, well the guests who had lunch and games at Quail Creek Country Club didn’t think so. Line dancing and BBQ, nothing new about that you think? Think again, have you ever line danced with Myra Janco Daniels? Didn’t think so. Big hats, a mint julep and after awhile you don’t care which horse came in first. Each evening was more spectacular than a two or three word definition can convey. The constant however was the agenda: cocktails, fun, food, fun, dessert, repeat.

Since the selections were vast and the hospitality pure perfection, you’ll be happy to know that plans are nearly complete for the 2015 – 2016 season.

Jazz under the Stars, one of the beautiful venues offered was just what the name implies. Sheila and Tim Zellers opened their waterfront home, offering their guests a picture perfect setting. Sheila who is always the consummate host met and greeted guests as they arrived directing them towards the colorful appointed setting.

piano playerGathered around the pool on the expansive lanai, tables were lavishly set, the infinity pool contained balloon theme sculptures, and soft jazz played while lively conversations took place.

Sheila, a talent on many levels, is a recording artist, and entertained guests by singing the crowds favorites tunes. Perfect setting, gracious hospitality, enchanting decorations, delicious buffet, smooth jazz, and a concert under the stars, it just doesn’t get any better than this.

The League has volunteer opportunities and more importantly room for people who want to make a difference in the lives of our children.

To learn more about the Latchkey League and to become part of this dynamic organization contact: President Peggy Coppola or Vice President Tina Nicholson at

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