Honoring Veterans Thank you for your Faithful Service! by Lois Bolin, Ph.D., Old Naples Historian

Honoring Veterans Past, Present and Future Thank you for your Faithful Service!

Summertime Salutes our Veterans, First Responders and Military Throughout American history, the idea of God’s connection to man is prevalent and relevant because without those shared values, the idea of a United States and its principles could not have been birthed. The Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence were established and held together by a belief in God.

The Mayflower Compact served as the foundation for the Declaration of Independence, where five references to God can be found, two in the first paragraph, one in the middle, and two in the last: …the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle… Who is responsible for “the laws of nature” but God… endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights… our cause was left to God as judge… with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred honor.

The Declaration was followed by our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, which are the three most important documents in
American history because they express the ideals that define “We the People of the United States” and inspire free people around the world. Every American service member and law enforcement officer takes an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The oath is not to the country, the government, or the flag. It is to the Constitution- period.

Each May, Naples traditionally celebrates Military Appreciation month; but at Life in Naples, we offer opportunities to appreciate our Veterans, active military, First Responders and their families all summer long. Here is a list of all 2022 holidays, observances and events recognized in May, June, and July where you, your family or company can pay special tribute to a variety of groups that make our country and county so special.



Month of the Military Caregiver Month of May
National Military Appreciation Month Month of May
Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) First full week in May
National Correctional Officers Week First full week in May
Silver Star Service Banner Day May 1
Loyalty Day May 1
National Day of Prayer First Thursday of May
National Nurses Week May 6 (Begins), May 12 (Ends)
VE Day May 8
Military Spouse Appreciation Day Friday before Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day 2nd Sunday in May
Armed Forces Week 2nd Sat. Thru 3rd Sun. in May (Not Official)*
Children of Fallen Patriots Day May 13
Peace Officers Memorial Day May 15
Armed Forces Day 3rd Saturday in May
Maritime Day May 22
Memorial Day Last Monday in May

PTSD Awareness Month Month of June
Homeownership Month Month of June
D-Day June 6
Women Veterans Day June 12
Army Birthday June 14
U.S. Flag Day June 14
National Flag Week The week that includes June 14th
Father’s Day 3rd Sunday in June
Juneteenth June 19
Veterans Golden Age Games July 18 to 23
Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday June 23
PTSD Awareness Day June 27

Independence Day July 4
National Hire A Veteran Day July 25
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day July 27
National Buffalo Soldiers Day July 28
Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary July 29

*There are different times of observation depending on which country you’re in; for the United States, Armed Forces Day itself is the culmination of Armed Forces Week, which can begin as early as the second Saturday of May and ends the following Saturday with the observance of Armed Forces Day.

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