by Kelly Cooper

Henry Hale III

Henry Hale III

Most of us have wondered at one time or another, how can I make a difference in the world? Entrepreneur and philanthropist Henry Halle III, owner of Old Naples Self Storage, not only asked himself this same question but made it a life mission to positively impact the lives of others. Henry has been widely recognized and highly regarded in the Naples community for his passion to preserve the beauty of Naples and provide resources so people can make a difference in their own lives.

Henry was born and raised in Southern California and graduated from San Diego State University. He later relocated to Memphis, Tennessee, where he had a successful career as a builder and land developer. In the 1970’s Henry began visiting Naples and fell in love not only with the clay tennis courts but the people within the community. It was 17 years ago when he permanently moved to Naples and opened his first storage facility, Fur and Fine Arts. Currently Henry owns two storage facilities in Naples, Old Naples Self Storage located at 275 Goodlette-Frank Road 239.262.6133 and Old Naples Self Storage North located at 10500 Goodlette Road 239.598.9088.

Henry has witnessed the evolution of Naples and takes pride in being part of it. He incorporated charity and philanthropy into his business plan because he firmly believes anyone in business has an obligation to give back to the community to the best of their ability. It is the way he was raised, what he did in Memphis and what he will continue to do in Naples. Not only does Henry donate monetarily, he donates his time, facilities and resources to help many nonprofit agencies with their storage needs.

Henry became involved with the Boys and Girls Club when he was living in Memphis and continued involvement after moving to Naples, where he was on the Board of Directors. There are over 30 charities and organizations that have directly benefited at one time or another on both the local and international levels. A large number are geared towards children, women and rehabilitation services. Some of which include Baby Basics of Collier County, Fun Time Academy, Shelter for Abused Women & Children and St. Matthew’s House.

Education is one of Henry’s top priorities and his involvement with Naples Children and Education, Naples High School and the Literacy Volunteers of Collier County is nothing short of significant. He has also been recognized for the generous donations and continued contributions towards medical entities specifically the Neighborhood Health Clinic as well as religious organizations and centers. Henry feels very fortunate to be a part of the Naples community who values giving back. Naples is also very fortunate for all of Henry’s commitments and efforts within the community.

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