
Palm Cottage

Palm Cottage

by Claudia Polzin
Consultant to Nonprofits

Over the months that you have been reading my articles, you have learned about  the wonderful music groups that we have in this city – and the many and varied  opportunities for concerts – and many of them are free or have a nominal charge.  But as you have wandered around Naples have you explored the history of this area? Buildings  that are on the national historic register, history of the three Native American tribes that  traveled and inhabited our area, and why this became a major resort area – well finding out all  about this is made easy by many organizations.

Right in Naples is Historic Palm Cottage – maintained by the Naples Historic Society  – this home is located on the corner of 12th Ave. S and Gulf Shore Blvd. This is the oldest  house in Naples, built in 1895 by Walter N. Haldeman. You can enjoy public tours Tuesday –  Saturday from 1-4 p.m. This home has rustic hand-crafted charm constructed of tabby mortar  – which is a handmade concrete consisting of sand, shells and water – all of which we have in  abundance. But before you go on the afternoon tour of Palm Cottage – make sure you sign up  for a walking tour of Naples Historic District. Imagine the area as it was in the 19th century,  walk along historic Third Street South – see the sites of the original movie theatre, general  store and gas station. Yes you read that right – one of each when Naples was first developed – I  don’t think I could even begin to count the number of gas stations that we have now. This area  was first known as a sportsman paradise and its pull as a resort town earned it the nickname  of “summerland in wintertime.” The walking tours do require a reservation – and are held on  Wednesdays at 9:30 – so call for your reservation 239.261.8164.

museum of Everglades

museum of Everglades

Collier County maintains a series of museums that are focused on various areas of the  history of our county – begin in Everglades City at the Museum of the Everglades. This  community was first settled in the 1800’s. It was a fishing and hunting village and not until  1923 did it see major growth when it became the headquarters for the construction of the  Tamiami Trail from Naples to the Dade County line. At that time Barron Collier promised  that if his landholdings in this area were given county status he would construct the last link  of road from Naples to Dade County. So Everglades City became the headquarters for that
major construction. Which brings up another question – have you driven to Dade County via  US 41 – it is a very different experience than the drive on I-75.

Immokalee Pioneer Museum, which is the home of the Robert Roberts family – this 15  acre turn of the century ranch holds the history of the pioneers that settled this cattle ranching  area in our county.

In the heart of Naples you will find the Naples Depot Museum – this building was  constructed in 1927 by the Seaboard Air Line Railway. This building has a very interesting  history – being a hub of bringing products to our area; housing USO shows during WWII  and now a wonderful museum telling another part of the history of Collier County.

naples depot

naples depot

Finally in the Collier County museums – the Marco Island Museum- this houses one of  the most remarkable archaeological discoveries of modern times – the Key Marco Cat.  So have fun exploring Collier County – and end the month with a little music – April 25 –  at the Sudgen Theatre – Classic Chamber Concerts will feature of a concert of 17th and 18th  Century Bach. So take walking tours, explore the museums and then take a step back in time  with a little Bach downtown Naples at the Sugden Theatre.

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