Everything’s Coming up ROSY by Diana Jarrett GG RMV
February casts us in that “post holiday looking toward Spring” vibe. And it’s also a sweet time to commemorate love in all its incarnations. Valentine’s Day—ah—a
time to celebrate fond affection. Roses are always a good idea—as is champagne and romantic candlelit dinners. Memory makers, right?
Powerful Reputation

Crimson Red Ruby. Credit Gübelin Jewellery.
But this year let’s hear it for a gift that keeps on pleasing day after day— month and year after year. I’m talking about a special item of red gemstone jewelry. Red is said to be the color of power, of passion and not least, the color of true love, all because it is the color of our hearts!
Let’s take a serious look at the sparkly jewel—ruby. It has garnered legions of fans for centuries, most of whom were super wealthy potentates who could afford such luxuries. But they are widely available to us today—thankfully.
Looking for Rubies
The most coveted of all rubies hail from Burma (now Myanmar) and are valued for their intense red hue, sometimes referred to as Pigeon Blood red. When it comes to the really pricey examples of rubies, experts tell us that those are more rare than diamonds. Their prices reflect their scarcity and their collectability.
For the one you love and admire, this Valentine’s Day might prove to be an ideal time to grab a luscious cherry red ruby in all its rosy allure. This stone will do all the talking for you to its recipient.
Crimson Red
World class gemstone and jewelry authority Gübelin Jewellery, based in Lucerne, Switzerland knows a thing or two about the best-of-breed gemstones. Their finest quality rubies are named Crimson Red to distinguish them from others on the market. They explain, “Gübelin succeeded in finding several of these rubies possessing extraordinary qualities. The modern language of forms places these rare rubies in the spotlight.” Their elite jewels may help inspire you this Valentine’s Day as you shop for the ones you love.
“The love we give away is the only love we keep.” — Elbert Hubbard
Contact Diana Jarrett Diana@DianaJarrett.com Read www.color-n-ice.com
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