ASK THE artsperts by Kristine Meek and Juliana Meek

Dear Artsperts,
I was Googling Hunt Slonem when the search engine popped up with the suggested autofill of “Why is Hunt Slonem so popular?” I must not be alone in wondering! What do you think?


Dear Googled,
No, you aren’t alone as this is a question asked in our gallery too. Having represented Hunt Slonem since 1994, Harmon-Meek Gallery can boast having represented Hunt Slonem continuously, longer than any other gallery in the world. With galleries all over the world, museum exhibitions on nearly every continent, numerous books, national magazine articles, television features, and commissioned works in public places all over the country, it’s no wonder that Hunt Slonem’s name is so well known today.

When William Meek met Hunt Slonem in the early 90s and saw his colorful paintings of Saints and animals, he was enthralled, just as so many patrons and art enthusiasts around the world have come to be. Back in the 90s, Naples was not as well known, and neither was Hunt. But just as Naples has grown in popularity, so has Slonem’s reputation. Simply put, when you have a good thing, it’s hard to keep it a secret.

Terrapin Sunbath, by Hunt Slonem, oil on canvas, 50” x 60”, 2022

When Juliana first visited Hunt’s studio as a teenager, his studio was the entire floor of an old office building in Manhattan, each room colored completely in one bold color, different from the next room. You could feel the space was a former office building, with prized corner offices and large areas for the bullpen. Yet, the space was transformed into a Willy Wonka-like explosion of creativity and color. He had his menagerie of birds and turtles in antique cages and fern-lined ponds, respectively. Still, it was like no place else on Earth. And as much as Hunt’s work is now replicated, there really is no other artist alive today whose work strikes audiences like a Hunt Slonem painting.

Occasionally, people will stop in the gallery who are not yet familiar with Slonem’s work. Yet the work tends to stand out among the artists shown and much time will be devoted to discussing Slonem. There is much to be said about his techniques with varying texture and subject matter from bayous to portraits, to bunnies, just to name a few.

While most gallery visitors enjoy Slonem’s work, not everyone does. The surprise is that even in the case of those who do not care for his art, there still tends to be a lot of focus on his work. Normally, visitors will just walk by a work they don’t like. But not with Slonem, even if a visitor doesn’t care for the work, they stop and study the work and engage in conversation about the work. There is no question, Hunt Slonem draws instant attention and leaves a lasting impression.

With his work in such high demand today and many galleries working with Hunt Slonem, Harmon-Meek Gallery is honored to continue to receive a wonderful selection of works each season. Each fall Juliana Meek hand selects works from his Manhattan studio, which today is in a three-story historic building. The perfect setting for Slonem, who is a great advocate for historic preservation.

Kristine Meek and Juliana Meek

The Artsperts

FEATURED PHOTO: Abraham Lincoln, by Hunt Slonem, oil on wood, 20” x 16”. 2022

599 NINTH STREET, NORTH, SUITE 309 | NAPLES, FL 34102 | 239.261.2637

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