There is a certain charm about the downtown Naples area that cannot be found anywhere else in the Southwest Florida region. Cambier Park, located just off the southern side of vibrant 5th Avenue South, this oasis of Olde Naples features the beautiful award winning Arthur L. Allen Tennis Center. All charged up ready to go for another fun filled tennis season and more, we are thrilled to introduce our new clinics, programs and website! Whether you are a novice or skilled player, we have something for you. The tennis center offers morning and evening clinics geared towards beginners to high performance seven days a week. The Tennis Center boasts 12 lighted hydro-grid har-tru courts. Operated by the City of Naples, it is a splendid setup indeed for a public park. The courts are open seven days a week with lighting available until 9 p.m.

USPTA Professional Steve Bogdanoff will be hosting an Ultimate Singles 3.5+ Clinic on Thursday mornings which will focus on singles strategy and shot selection. USPTA Professional Gino Spano will be running an Advanced Adult Mixed 3.5+ Match Play Friday afternoons which will consist of 30 minutes of warm up with 60 minutes of match play. USPTA Professional Don Turner will be running his High Performance Drills four days per week.

With the start of every new season comes a new opportunity to T join a League team. Offered are USTA, CTA & CCWTA teams for both men and women. These teams vary in levels and have Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles to participate in. Competitive play begins in Mid-January and runs for eight weeks. The Spring season will begin the last week of March.

For more information on all our clinics, programs and junior tennis, please visit our new website! WWW. ALLENTENNISCENTER.NET or give us a call at 239.213.3060. We look forward to seeing you on the courts soon!

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