Art After Dark

Piazza Mazzini, Bellagio Italy by Phil Fisher

Piazza Mazzini, Bellagio Italy by Phil Fisher

Here we are, heading into May, June & July and hopefully, taking the time to enjoy this spot of paradise we live in. June and July tend to be less active months as many who live here even travel to other areas to experience something different, but especially during the month of May, Crayton Cove is still bustling with activities for all to enjoy.

This is our month to take in City Fest events and feature some coordinated art shows that tie in with the “Stay In May,” ArtsNaples World Festival, which celebrates the
cultural arts of Italy from May 1 to 10, 2014. One such show is at the Phil Fisher Gallery which showcases paintings Phil Fisher and Natalie Guess created in Italy last fall while on a painting trip to that lovely country.

“Palette to Palate” is a Crayton Cove event that involves the many galleries and restaurants in our quaint little area by the Bay. May 6th, a Tuesday evening, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., the galleries will be offering special demonstrations and many of the artists will be on hand to discuss the interesting aspects of their works and the restaurants will be tempting with special offerings that are explained at the opening reception held at the Cove Inn Lobby, over a complimentary glass of wine. This has become a favorite festivity in May and October for the public to get to know our charming Crayton Cove.

Saturday May 10th offers one of Naples most memorable days as The Dock at Crayton Cove Restaurant hosts the annual Great Dock Canoe Race from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with thetheme of “zombies” when the festivities could“wake the dead!”

When the evening settles in, on the 10thof May, the Galleries of Crayton Cove hostthe end of season “Art After Dark” whenall the galleries will be open and welcoming
the public to enjoy their newest works ofart and experience live music while strolling amongst the various venues.

PhilFisher Gallery, Nora Butler Designs, Random Acts of Art, Arsenault Gallery,ArtGallery OldNaples 2, Earth & Fire and Guess-Fisher Gallery are the severalgalleries that are participating in this event that celebrates this professional artistcommunity in Old Naples on the Bay, all within a one-block walk. It’s where 8thSt. S. and 12th Ave. S. meet by the flagpole.

Come to Crayton Cove and experience some of the reasons why so manypeople love to come and visit our quaint area in this beautiful part of the world!

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