ART after Dark

A professional artist with a bachelor’s degree in art, Jan Ellen Atkielski has exhibited for over 40 years and has an extensive list of collectors, both private and commercial. Her accomplishments are well known in artistic circles both locally and nationally. She has judged local and national exhibits, is a published author and lecturer, has been featured in print and on television and teaches workshops locally.

Anyone taking her workshops can attest to her skill with the palette knife, whether it’s spending a couple of hours to create a palm tree or whipping up a few powerful strokes on the canvas. Most recently, she was declared best muralist in Cape Coral for 2020. Jan Ellen is a “contemporary Impressionist” who works from photography or directly from nature, emphasizing the effect of color and natural light in her work. Palette knife paintings are created “alla prima”; painting continuously without allowing the paint to dry between sessions. Layers are built up, working from back to front, using different knives and strokes to create desired effects. Her paintings are desired by collectors around the country, and her vast experience as a lyrical impressionist painter makes owning one of her paintings a joy. Jan Ellen Atkielski is one of the artists featured in the Phil Fisher Gallery as well as Natalie Guess, Janet Kirby, Kevin Barton, Phil Fisher and others.

The show for the month of April is “Contemporaries,” a collection of works by these artists in their various mediums. They, along with Random Acts of Art and Paws Pet Boutique are a few of the local businesses that make up the shopping area called Crayton Cove and are located where 8th St S & 12th Ave S meet at the flagpole by the Naples Bay.

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