The Ironic Effect and how to avoid it.

Ever had this happen? • You don’t want to talk about something,…

Ask The Expert Harmon Meek

Dear Artspert: My husband and I were talking today about bronze…

A Park for Naples’s Future

Excitement for the new Gordon River Park has reached a fevered…

Creating Impact – Senior Needs in Collier County

Loneliness is a silent killer facing seniors in Collier County.…

Seaman Schepps Vintage Exhibition Icons and Signatures

Together with over two centuries worth of experience in fine…

Gareth Rockliffe – Beauty and motion suspended in time

Even as a teenager just beginning my journey, I was drawn to…

Cataracts improved technology and surgery

Cataracts are the most common cause of decreased vision. Almost…

The Taste of Freedom

After the Civil War, Naples offered those searching for a…

This is how We Rock…casual elegance

Ah, the Naples lifestyle . . . accent on style, darling. There’s…

Five Painters and a Potter & Art After Dark

Naples continues to grow and offer more for those who live and…