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The Unthinkable and

                      The Power of Two Pink Tabebuia Trees

        by April May,
        Executive Assistant to CEO/Donor Relations/Victim Advocate Counselor

            t is easy to forget the 90 degree heat as you stroll through Baker  violence, kidnapping, robbery, stalking, homicide, theft grand/
            Park a hidden treasure in the City of Naples. Baker Park is   petty, sudden death, and vehicular victimization. And YES—the
        Iperfectly situated along the Gordon River in downtown Naples,  unthinkable happens even in Paradise!
        where landlubbers and aquatic adventurists can escape for the   Shaina Anderson, Chief Operating Officer for Project HELP
        day. Baker Park boasts, the perfect spot to witness a breathtaking   stated that the hardest part of accompanying the Naples Police
        sunrise as the canary yellow and hues of the saffron dawn sun   Department on a sudden death notification is, “The anticipation of
        peaks just beyond the Gordon River; or for those who enjoy a stroll  what to expect upon arriving to a scene or a loved one’s home and
        may find the 1.3 mile loop through the grassy knolls or over the   being prepared to hold a safe place for the insurmountable grief
        Gordon River Greenway Bridge exactly what your soul needed.   while also knowing there will never be anything you can say or do
        Throughout Baker Parker you will come across impressive art, lush   that can take the pain away from the grieving loved one in that
        landscaping, a splash pad, multiple playgrounds, a kayak launch,   moment.” For the “someone” who receives the notification
        native vegetation, mangroves and two pink tabebuia trees looking   he/she/they/them may not recall the details of what was said
        towards the Knoll Overlook.                                or shared but what will be etched in their memory and never
           As someone sits and reads the picturesque description of Baker   forgotten were those words and were they conveyed with care and
        Park one may wonder why would the writer point out specifically— compassion.
        two pink tabebuia trees. Unbeknownst to the reader this is not an   Project HELP and its 14 Believers can’t take away the
        article about Baker Park but what is planted and why two pink   unthinkable, but Project HELP and its 14 Believers can help
        tabebuia trees were planted just north of the Formal Lawn and the   “someone” heal from the unthinkable. Project HELP, The City of
        Eva Sugden-Gomez Center. Tabebuia trees provide a striking pink   Naples and the Office for Victims of Crime recognize, support and
        flower that drops it foliage immediately before bursting into blooms  honor victims of crime (the unthinkable) and those who support
        leaving gorgeous pink blossoms that provide an abundance of   them. Each year the Office for Victims of Crime commemorate
        shade and beauty. A blanket of beauty for some, a quilt of comfort   National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. This year NCVRW was
        for some, a gentle yet powerful reminder of the unthinkable for   commemorated April 23-29, 2023 where this year’s theme was
        someone who could be you or for someone’s daughter, someone’s   Survivor Voices: Elevate. Engage, Effect Change.
        son, someone’s wife, someone’s parent.                        Project HELP -Our Community- the City of Naples-Baker
           The call no one wants to get or make. . .It’s any time—any   Park amplify the voices of the survivors of the unthinkable and
        day and the 24/7 Crisis and Sexual Assault HELPline has just   create environments where survivors have the confidence that they
        received a call from the Naples Police Department dispatcher   will be heard, believed, and supported. As you stroll past the pink
        seeking accompaniment for a Sudden Death Notification—The   tabebuia trees just before the grassy knoll overlook pause. . .you
        Unthinkable.                                               or someone’s daughter, someone’s son, someone’s wife, someone’s
           There is no perfect timing or preparing for the unthinkable. No   parent is healing from the unthinkable—with a little bit of help
        matter what the unthinkable is—sexual assault, burglary, domestic   from Project HELP and a community of Believers.
        violence, financial crime/identity theft, human trafficking, gang
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